Alyanna's Journal

Jan 2008
9:21 AM EDT

Depressing, Yet Great News...

I started classes at Ivy Tech in Kokomo this previous Monday. I think I'm going to do okay in the classes that I picked out. They're seem like they're pretty easy (for me at least). I have a few updates in my life this new year.

When I got up with my fiance Saturday morning at 4:30 to get him off to work and after he left I heard my mother talking in the bedroom with someone. About 20 minutes later she comes out to the living room and asks me what time I have to work today and I replied at 1:30 to 10. She told me that my brother would have to take me to work then because she has to go to the hospital. And I'm like What?! My grandfather had gotten up at 4 Saturday morning to go to the bathroom. He stood up out of bed and had a major headache, so he layed back down. Then, he poked my Grandma Louise in the side and asked her to go get him some Tylenol for his headache. She brought back Bayer Asprin instead. He then went to the bathroom with the aid of holding onto things on the way. He started coming back to the bedroom and he got halfway there and couldn't go any farther. So, he layed down on the couch in the living room. That's where he stayed until the Ambulance came. They took tests at Marion General Hospital, and it showed that he had a brain bleed. So, they lifelined him to Methodist Hospital (Clariton Health) in Indianapolis. I ended up calling off work and going to the hospital with my mom and the rest of my family. He is staying at the Critical Care Unit at Methodist Hospital until further notice. He is doing a lot better since his surgery at 2:00 yesterday afternoon. Hopefully he will be returning home here shortly.

Other news is...I am now engaged to a man (Zachary Scott Ollis) that I love, so desperately and can't wait to spend the rest of my life with. He is so great to me. He may not be a total complete Christian, but he is working on it. The great thing about that is is that he will help me with my walk with the Lord, but in the same great way I will also be helping him.

Alyanna's Profile

  • Username: Alyanna
  • Gender / Age: Female, 38
  • Location: USA - Indiana
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    ALYANNA's Interests:

    About Me: I am 20 years old and engaged to a man that I love and can't wait to spend the rest of my life with.

    Interests: crocheting, reading, text messaging, playing with my cat, hanging out with friends, family, and my fiance...and much much more...

    Favorite Music: I like all kinds except for rap, but some rap is okay. I also don't like music where you can't understand a darn thing they are saying.

    Favorite Movies: Nell, Rigoletto, all the Disney movies, etc...

    Favorite Television: Lincoln Heights, Wildfire, Heroes, NCIS, Crossing Jordan, The Closer, Survivor, Ghost Whisperer, Close To Home, Numb3rs, The Amazing Race

    Favorite Books: Captivating, The Bible, The Force of My Yeshua, House, The Two Princesses of Bamarre