redisbest07's Journal

Dec 2006
5:32 AM PST

What do I expect of others? Well I don't expect much. Unless they are my friends. And if they are my friends then I expect more that just doing nothing and that type of stuff. I mean, people in general is basically nothing. All they do is whine and complain, and thats what I expect of others. But my friends, I expect them to respect me and be there for me. Like this one time. My friend Chase got into a spot of trouble. And not one of my friends said they weren't going to help him. All of them, and including myself was there. It was basically a fight. But a major fight with Northview Wrestlers. And he kinda go into a confrontation with one of the "leaders" I guess. And then and the church fair, they were all there and so was Chase, so I gathered my friends up and we were all ready to go and stuff, and then nothing happened. Its not the point that nothing happened. What the point was is that we are there for each other. And thats the type of stuff I expect of others.

redisbest07's Profile

  • Username: redisbest07
  • Gender / Age: Male, 36
  • Location: USA - California
    REDISBEST07's Interests:

    About Me: My name is Robbie and I go to Northview High School in California.

    Interests: I like playing basketball.

    Favorite Music: Mainly anything, besides this new country, classical, and most rap.

    Favorite Movies: Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Chevvy Chases Christmas Vacation, and a few others.

    Favorite Television: That 70's Show

    Favorite Books: Ummm...I'm not a big book lover.

    REDISBEST07's Friends: