Dizzyboy's Journal

Jan 2007
8:42 AM EDT

Everyone cares about something, not everyone cares so much to do something about the things that is going on around the world. People need to to speak up when they care about something because if they dont then maybe they didnt care so much to try and change it. And sometimes people care about to much and they don't have the chance to speak up but to change something you care about you need to speak up.

Jan 2007
1:47 PM EDT

Today i just woke up and i was thinking that today was going to be a lazy day for me but then when i got out of the shower and ate i was all koo so i just came to school meet up with some friend and talked for a min untill the bell rang. then i went to class and it was koo untill i got the third period. i dont like my third period class because it is math and i hate math...and to make it worse the teacher get on my last nerve sometimes and sometimes he could be koo. but my day got better after i left that class. so my day has been going good so far but the day aint over yet so im jus goin to wait to see wha happens next and jus take it slow and hope it goes good.
1 comment(s) - 03:50 PM - 01/12/2007

Dec 2006
10:49 AM EDT

I expect others just to be themselfs and thats just plain and simple. Also i expect othes to be truthful.
1 comment(s) - 03:36 PM - 01/12/2007

Dec 2006
10:54 AM EDT

Love can mean Family, Friends, or even one you have strong feelings for. You can Love a person when you love someone it means that you would do anything to help them out, love means you would never hurt that love one but to me LOVE IS FAMILY.

Dec 2006
11:30 AM EDT

In order to seek the acceptance of others you have to seek acceptance of yourself. to accept other you must accept yourself because i don't get how you can accept anything eles of you don't accept yourself and accepting yourself is a very important part of life.

Dec 2006
11:30 AM EDT

What most people give to others is their love and friendship. By haveing someone there is just a big thing to people because just knowing you can go to them anytime and talk to them about anything çan help make peoples life less stressful. Haveing someone you can trust by telling them things you may not be able to trust everyone with can be like you have your personal journal and they may also be there to help give you advice with things you may not know what to do so it just bring happyness to your life with some people and that is what some people may give others.

Dec 2006
9:12 PM EDT

People that pretend to be something there not is what i call a fake person. People that pretend to be something there not is only hurting themselves because then they have to always pretend and thats being yourself. When your not being yourself nobody will never know the real you and you well never know if you have friends or not because they wont be kicking it with the real you and they will only know the fake you. People don't like someone for being fake they only want to kick it wit someone that is real, people feel if you were being fake the whole time then maby your friendship is fake also. So just be yourself and never try to make friends by being fake and lieing to yourself and them.

Dec 2006
2:23 PM EDT

Most people are afraid of many things and they dont know why. Sometimes people are afraid of thing and it could be that when they were a kid something bad happend. For example some people are afraid of swimming and it could be that when when they were little they almost drowned. So things that happens to little kid can have and affect on them as they get older. Some people can be afraid of animals, bugs, and also hights.And all that can be a part of when they were kids.

Dec 2006
1:35 PM EDT

People that keep journals are more satisfied with their lives because, when people keep journals they get to let all their anger or stress out in the journal. Sometimes that is a good thing because sometimes people say some things that they sometimes dont want people to know so they put it in the journal. So haveing a journal is a good thing and sometimes make people more satisfied whith theirs lives.
1 comment(s) - 09:31 AM - 12/09/2006

Nov 2006
1:33 PM EDT

All you have to do is let go of the past. Living in the past is not good because all your going to do is keep worring about what happend and not about whats going to happen. So just let go and worry about what you need to do,

Dizzyboy's Profile

  • Username: Dizzyboy
  • Gender / Age: Male, 36
  • Location: USA - California
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