speedking's Journal

Jan 2007
12:56 PM PDT

the person i most admire is my god father because he is able to make any small thing into a business and be able to make it into a big money maker he owns a restaurant in new port beach and its amazing how he can at his age move so quick and be so energytic. I see that in myself as well as an energytic and quick person and i know i will be able to make anything into a big business as well if i just put my dedication and time into it. I also admire my god sister but i see her as my sister she worked so hard to get where she is at today now she is a nurse and is making a lot of money especially since she is bilingual she got that from her dad and mom.

Jan 2007
11:04 AM PDT

if you love what u do then you become more intelligent in your work and your imagination expands to the fullest. The more you love your work the better you are at it because you put your all in your work and you are doing it because you are more passionate then those who do it just to do it they don't have the passion in their work they just do it for either a past time or just something to do.

Dec 2006
2:07 AM PDT

By turning your back on those who critizes you is the best way to put it aside and not get angered from what they say. Most people who critizes are those who do not know themselves and might dislike you because you probably have something they don't wether it is popularity at school or the way you interact with people and how easily you make friends or they just envy you for what you have. If you get angered and you take it up on yourself then you just scooped down to their level and that is exactly what they are trying to do to you, they try to push your buttons so that they can see what your weekness is and once they find that out they are always going to use that agaisnt you to get you mad. That is when they have you were they want.
1 comment(s) - 07:30 PM - 12/24/2006

Dec 2006
3:17 AM PDT

All that I really expect of others is to be able to respect me as I respect them and if they are friends I would at least expect them to not turn their back on me in other words screw me over. I expect to not be rude on less I know that they are joking around and do not really mean it. This can also apply to my parents just because they are my parents does not mean that they don't have to respect me and be nice to me, eventhough is their job as a parent to do that but I would at least expect that from them.

Dec 2006
3:25 AM PDT

I define love as a strong feeling toward the opposite sex sometimes it is the same sex but we are not going to talk about that...Anyways love is something that you feel and not just say you have to know the person very well, care about them, know when they are acting differently, and doing things for that person that you would never do for anyone else. At our age as high school students we really do not know much about love because all we look for is just a piece of ass and it is just lust not love. In some cases yes some students or teenagers in particular we know and understand the meaning of love usualy those are the ones who are more romantic and if they hoke up with a girl they are going to be with them because they actually have strong feelings for them and not a lust thing. It is not good to be with someone you do not truly have any feelings for them because then you are just playing with their emotions and then you get a bad name. If you do not want to get treated like that then you should not do it to others because karma get really bite you in the ass good. My meaning of love is to love someone that you are going to truly really care about them and just to put it out there every tough guy, cholo looking, mean person has a soft side to them some you just gotta work hard to see that, this also can apply to girls in every mean, loud, self- centered, etc. there is a nice girl.

Dec 2006
4:14 PM PDT

To seek the acceptance of others would first take work because you would have to figure out who you really are as a person before you get the acceptance of others you need to accept yourself as a person before anyone. The best way to do that is by knowing your actions and how you deal with certain situations with people or just any situtation you are encountered because the way you react to certain things people will see you for what they see. No one should act differently from whom they are because God made each and everyone in a unique way and you should not have to be someone else to be accepted you should never be the follower but the leader and have people follow you, be able to trust yourself as a person and accept who you are and not who you are trying to be because then you are just living someone else's life and not yours.

Dec 2006
8:01 AM PDT

Psychologist: "So tell me Hamlet how do you feel about your fathers death." Hamlet: "It really hurts me since i loved my father he was a great man." Psycologist: "Do you have any clues that tell you of your uncle being involved with your fathers death." Hamlet: "I have a few that might lead to my uncle....I hate him so much and i want to kill him." Psychologist: "Now Hamlet how do feel about your mother getting married to your uncle." Hamlet: "I would be okay if she got married with someone else but she just had to get married with the loser uncle of mine." Psychologist: "So lets talk about the ghost you saw." Hamlet: "Sure why not im getting aggravated with this uncle thing." Psychologist: "So what was your impression when you saw the ghost." Hamlet: "At first it caught my attention and I was shocked and I could not move." Psychologist: "Did the ghost say anything to you." Hamlet: "Yes it did but I could not make what he said....I think it mentioned something about the murder." Psychologist: "Have you been able to see it again." Hamlet: "No it has not appeared to me again but it has appeared to others and telling them things." Psychologist: "Will you speak to it and find any clues or try to get him to say something you need to know if it appears to you." Hamlet: "Yes I will talk to it and see if I can get it to tell me what I need to know...maybe it will give me a clue or the answer of what is going on."

Dec 2006
10:39 AM PDT

you are the only person who can remodel yourself into what you want to become no one else can do that for you because the way you live is the way you become or transform yourself into it also plays on where you live and the enviroment you grew up in, but if you want to change yourself you would have to start from scratch and go one from there, in a way you are starting a new picture and little by little you are painting yourself into a new portrait or a new you. Everyone has the chance to start over even though it might seem to late and difficult but if you really set your mind to it you will be able to accomplish in getting a new life or starting fresh, just do not look back at your past life and the mistakes you might have committed because everything happens for a reason and all the mistakes could have been a sign or a journey for you to be able to use it later on and be an example to those who think they can not start over.

Dec 2006
6:16 PM PDT

By having a journal you are able to express yourself without having to tell anyone if you are that type of person this is very usefull because instead of keeping that inside your head you can write it down and move on, especially if it is something bad and you really do not want to remember it you can just write it in your journal. By writing your thoughts you can clear your head for something else also if you just later on want to look back at it and remember your youth by reading your journal when your older. People who do not have a journal keep everything bottled up and that is why they sometimes are cranky because they have not cleared their mined and it never goes away. So the idea of having a journal is not feminine any guy can have a journal.

Dec 2006
2:19 PM PDT

you can feel rich if you just know how to save up money and get the less expensive things, some people use hundreds of dollars on something expensive when they can buy at another store for a much lesser price. There is a saying in spanish "lo que yo doy me regresa 2 veces mas" which basically means that being supportive in helping people with donations or just giving a bum in the streets a couple dollars or some change will come back to you double of what you gave, now i really do not believe in that as much because so far that has not worked out for me, I also do not do it just to get more money but because im thoughtful. In my perspective i feel rich when i help someone who is actually in need because who knows if later on i might be in that situation asking for money i would like for people to help me out. People who have everything because they have money are usually the ones who feel depresed because they have everything but when it comes to having good friends they are not there and people will only become their friends becuase they know that they have money, it seems like even though they can buy whatever they want no matter how much it is inside they are not happy most of the times they are actually lonely, i would rather have certain things and have friends, be happy and not being lonely, and have people who actually like me for who i am and not for what i have.

Dec 2006
3:35 PM PDT

im not very religious although i am catholic but i do not follow any rules or guidelines when it comes to doing good to be able to enter Gods heaven. I know what is right and i know what is wrong, just because i am not religious does not mean that i do not believe in God i do believe in him and that is why i pray every night. I believe that it is our action that leads us to our undoing not who we worship and our religion, it also plays on the person, if that person has a bad character then he will not be good to people and might be rude these are the types of people who sometimes get the worst out of life because karma can come back and get people.

Nov 2006
3:15 AM PDT

if you get people to help you when you are constructing something you should never have many do the same job at the same time because the job will never get done and their could probably be some conflict although it is teamwork to get it done faster it will just prolonge the job. It will be better if you split everyone into sections and have them do certain jobs, that way everyone is doing their own thing, it is still teamwork because you have everyone in their place and their getting the work done quicker you will be able to get the job done faster and smooth because their will be no conflict and arguments. Also if you separate them you will be able to teach them on how to look outside the box and be able to expand their heads by having to do their own things they would have to depend on themselves on how to get the job done right and quick and if they encounter a problem then they would be the ones that have to fix it themselves so that allows them to be able to use their heads broadly.

Nov 2006
2:12 PM PDT

when u do not have anything left for you, you end up trying your hardest and you accomplish more then what you imagined. It seems that when you have many things to offer you keep on building up your ability to perfect yourself in what you are doing, but it is never achieved because as long as you have things to offer you will always have ups and downs, you will mess up, and things will not get done. If you have nothing to take away from it then you have achieved perfection because there is nothing for you to lose that will affect you if you have something to lose then you will have to work twice as hard to get back up to that level you were on and gain what you lost probably not just gain what you had but even more then what you thought you will ever have.

Nov 2006
11:39 AM PDT

without intelligence and imagination we would not be were we are today we would not have certain things in this world that we have now. It is not really having the intelligence yes you have to know what you are doing but all you really need is the passion you have for whatever you do in life wether it is in your work or at school same goes with having an imagination you also have to have and open view of life and be able to expand it to be able to help you at least find an easier way to do things and make your life much easier instead of making it difficult, stressful, and mind breaking.

Nov 2006
9:50 AM PDT

if everyone would do things like ants little by little and with help to get it done faster and be able to have teamwork. We as people think we are superior and do not need anyones help to do things and that is why it takes us longer to do things because we thing we can do it ourselves, but that is not true everyone can use some help once in a while the more help you get the quicker and eaiser things will be and you may also learn something new at the same time. If you ask someone for help you should at least know what they are about that way there will not be any complications or disagreements on how things are done because everyone has there own way of doing things and have different opinions, although this can benefit you when doing something but it can also cause arguments between you and whoever is helping you, so we have to be smart in who we ask to help us.

Nov 2006
6:49 PM PDT

if you care about yourself you will care what you do in life and later on in life. You will fix any problems you have now so that later you will not have to deal with them and not have to fix them then when it might be too late. I do believe in that quote because if you do not care about anything you will not care of what you do or say to people or to yourself. Many people do not take the advantage to see this and see themselves failing or not caring until reality smacks them in the head then they realize that they need to fix a whole lot about themselves and start caring what they do and say because without that you will go nowhere and if you do it will not be too far, you will have to work real hard to get back up and start fresh if this would have been fixed at an earlier time you would probably have the chance to be something because you cared about how you will be living in the future and where you will be. Some people are lucky to have friends and family who are constantly telling them to do good and work hard and start caring about yourself.

Nov 2006
10:42 AM PDT

people who are weak minded will make themselves feel belittled by other people if they actually believe or listen to what they tell them. A lot of people in this world make you feel less about yourself by making fun of you or just bringing back something you did that makes you feel bad about yourself, their are always going to be those few who break your dreams into pieces by telling you that you are not going to make it even if you try hard because you are a certain way, then there is the few who actually are behind you all the way and when it comes to your dreams or becoming something in life they will help you get there and be your right hand because they will always support you no matter what you did in the past or who you are. I do believe that if you hang around with people who are goal oriented and have good grades and know what they want in life you to will be able to succede in accomplishing the same goal because you do not have all that negative comments thrown at you, but there are always people who are jealous of you and try their best to screw it up for you just so they can feel better about themselves. If you hang around with people who do not care about school and do not have any plans for their future then you to will be caught in the same situation because you have all that negative vibe and sometimes we are just afraid that if we do hang out in that type of crowd and we want to succede in life you will be disliked by them and you will feel like you are hated and not look cool. Many people especially students in high school want to fit in the crowd that they start acting differently and not themselves so they forget all about what they really want to do in life and that is when you start getting into problems. When you finally come to realize that you are almost graduating you start thinking if you are even going to make it to graduation because you do not have the grade for because you kept screwing up in school and do not if you will be able to get into a college and continue your education so that you can get a degree and be able to have a good pay job and work for a big company rather than have no job, no career, or diploma, and will be working in the lowest paying job that is not going to get you very far.

Nov 2006
11:18 AM PDT

i do not agree with that now maybe if i lived back then when men were expected to be the ones who provided for food, payed bills, and maintain the family he was the one who would care for everyone while the wife stayed home doing her part by cleaning the house, keeping everything neat, and taking care of the children, and making sure that the food was ready by the time their husband would come home from work. In todays society men are not expected to rise to greatness although some men still have that mentality they are the ones who take it a little overboard because they treat their wife bad because they think they are the superior ones while others treat their wifes like they are supposed to be treated. Women now have the ability to do more things with their lives they are now able to work, get a good education, and have the same equal opportunities that men do, but back then they did not have the right to do much and were not seen as equals. In some cases women are the ones who are smarter and better thinkers with money than men, in some families they are the ones who make more money and they are the ones who bring home the money for food, bills, and all other expenses. We men think we are so powerful amongst women but really they are the ones who are stronger than we maybe not physically but mentally they are. They have a broader imagination then some men do, they are not that cold hearted as some men are, they have the ability to mess with peoples mind by using their emotions and thats why women are powerful than men mentally. They can manipulate anyone to get what they want and to get were they want, we all see that happening were ever we go. Although they give themselves a bad name by doing this and thats when they get mad at the men for calling them certain things they do not want to hear. I still think in some ways women are still being put down and this all depends in their race or ethnic backgrounds, from a latin families women are usually expected to do everything around the house while the men just sit there, white women are usually put down because they are white and people think that all white women are stupid or dumb but they can be smart as well and usually they are the women who have the better jobs above all the other women, having a friend who is black she tells me that some people think they are good just to beat up and push around thats not my opinion but it is something that i heard from a black women.

Nov 2006
10:37 AM EDT

i think that if you hang on to something that has been a misfortune for you, you should let it go because if you don't it haunts you and it stays with you until you either talk about it with someone or just forget about it. Although it might be hard to let go but if you don't everytime you do something that might remind you of that your going to keep remembering and you will feel bad about yourself. For example if you have done something that you might regret when you were small and you don't let it go it will screw you up later on because you will always have that in the back of your head, if you move on and let it go then you will not hold a grudge and you will not regret anything that you did. Many people do not understand that all the things that we do and that happen, they all happen for a reason. This reason is a test and a lesson that we get in life as we grow up, this will allow us to avoid that mistake when we are older and it will be harder to make better so in the meantime that we are young we can fix these mistakes so we can improve them and at the same time change our own futures. Some people believe that GOD puts us through these test and journeys but he does not put us through anything that we can not handle or overcome, this is what makes who we really are and most of the time it helps us find who we are when we do not know until something happens that is when you realize ourselves and what type of people we are.

speedking's Profile

  • Username: speedking
  • Gender / Age: Male, 36
  • Location: USA - California
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    SPEEDKING's Interests:

    About Me: im a senior at northview high im a down to earth guy i don't like dealing with bulls*** or girl drama other than that i am funny nice and cool to hang out with i don't really like staying at home so im always out.

    Interests: basketball, video games, hanging out, movies, music, watching T.V.

    Favorite Music: is metal but i like any type of music except country, jazz, and gospel music

    Favorite Movies: all american pie movies, eurotrip, BEERFEST, scary movie, harold and kumar....

    Favorite Television: mtv, ultimate fighter, 70's show, family guy and the classic the Simpsons

    Favorite Books: don't really like reading books if they don't sound interesting