Ax07's Journal

Dec 2006
1:33 PM EDT

well lets see.....what do i expect from others??? honestly i expect alot but you can't ever expect to get anything if you don't give anything back. i expect for people to be respectfull of my thoughts and ideas even if we don't have the same ideas. i also expect people to be respectful not just to others but to themselves. i say this because there are a lot of people who really do respect other people but they have no respect for themselves at all. and that is what i basically expect from peolpe. i hope its not to much

Ax07's Profile

  • Username: Ax07
  • Gender / Age: Female, 37
  • Location: USA - California
    AX07's Interests:

    About Me: well i'm a senior at Northview high school in the city of covina. so far it's ok. o' n i have a boyfriend that i love to death.

    Interests: i like to hang out with my friends, meet new people, and i watch alot of movies!!!

    Favorite Music: i love anything that u basically throughat me!! right now i like this one song from the fray and i really like that fergie song. i have no idea what the name is though.

    Favorite Movies: My favorite movies would be the little shop of horrors, I am Sam, 13, and Pay it Forward.

    Favorite Television: i can never go on without seeing One Tree Hill, America's Next Top Model, and of course Laguna Beach.

    Favorite Books: I relly don't read alot of books but i do like true-to-life stories. There is this one book i really really like but i have no idea what the name is. All i know is that it deals with lesbians.