cindy's Journal

Jan 2007
12:02 PM EDT

A persons strength grows when he or she is defeated because it makes her try harder for the next chance they get.If they win every time they get big headed and they think they don't have to try because they can already do it with no doubt. So loooseing is not a bad thing it just makes you stonger and also it makes you want to try harder.

Dec 2006
11:56 AM EDT

I expect others to give respect to recive it.

Dec 2006
12:05 PM EDT

Everything happends for a reason thing just dont happen to happen.You shouldn't be dependent on luck it only comes when it wants to. It also comes for a very good reason.After you put in of effort into it then you will get good luck.It also comes when you give it your all.

Nov 2006
8:09 AM EDT

It doesn't just take knowing something to be inteligent it takes more than that like love.
1 comment(s) - 02:20 PM - 12/21/2006

Nov 2006
8:07 AM EDT

You are never born a looser. If you loose it prepares you to grwo and succeed in life and you get better.But if you know how to loose then you from that you will find a way to win.

Nov 2006
5:04 PM EDT

If you really want to do it then it is in your own interest. When you really have no choice then it is a commitent.

Nov 2006
10:03 PM EDT

Unless some one like you cares a whole lot then thing can happen but if they dont then things wont go the same way.

Nov 2006
6:58 PM EDT

If you work hard it will all work out and be woth it at the end.

Nov 2006
10:25 PM EDT

Basically its a mans job to go all the way to the top. If that is what is expected of him.

Nov 2006
10:15 AM EDT

Dont be around people that put you down.Just be with the people that know better of you and that support the things you do.Because the good people make you feel really good and they make you feel that you can do anything.

cindy's Profile

  • Username: cindy
  • Gender / Age: Female, 36
  • Location: USA - California