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640191's Journal
Jan 2007
3:07 PM EDT
I can't wait until the 14th of Feb. I hope this year will come out better then last year really!! I want to have things better between me and my boyfriend and only hope to get more closer together and work our way through the hard times. By all means all these lame people who are around and try to bring me down. And the best idea would be to not talk to those or be among them.
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Jan 2007
3:12 PM EDT
I'm hoping that I have enough entry's I wouldn't want this to bring my grade down. I tryed downloading it but it's kind of wried. This is a good exercise that is being used. It's kind of like your own journal and you could write about anything. And either people could read it or not. I have never used something like this. It's a good idea. I really havn't wrote like this for a while. I had a book it was a poem book and it had a darkest feelings in it. It had all kinds of different poems that meet to me. As time got longer I remember just trowing it away. I would only let some people see it.
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Jan 2007
3:04 PM EDT
Well the schools got an extra day day off due to the Marther Luther king's b-day. I didn't do much today though just spend some time with my boyfriend and some good friends that I have been with for a while. We didn't do much really. Just went to the buy some things. As for a bed spread and a to Best Buy since I had a gift card. Those are always the best ever. I bought 2 dvd a movie and a session of a show. It is a comedy show.
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Jan 2007
3:12 PM EDT
Well the schools got an extra day day off due to the Marther Luther king's b-day. I didn't do much today though just spend some time with my boyfriend and some good friends that I have been with for a while. We didn't do much really. Just went to the buy some things. As for a bed spread and a to Best Buy since I had a gift card. Those are always the best ever. I bought 2 dvd a movie and a session of a show. It is a comedy show.
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Jan 2007
1:49 PM EDT
Today is frday and so far it so good and life is ok.I have to work a littlemore this weekend but it's all right since that means more money.Some time it could be very boaring job at the same time I could have a good time by giving things to the small kids.
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Dec 2006
1:43 PM EDT
Where have you been Mr. Anderson I bet your really sick since you didn't come to school for many days and now we are trying to bring another list again and maybe it will work this time.
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Dec 2006
1:35 PM EDT
Well we are trying to have a class get to gather but it's rather hard when the guys are being dumb and writting dumb things on the list. I really want to have something kool. This is our last year and also our senior class. How much better could it gett. Even if we do it it could be very fun and we could have good treats. Then also there could be many good foods. It could be a a lunch in or something. I think it will be a good idea.
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Nov 2006
1:55 PM EDT
I peronsal believe this could be a meaning og life and death. You could be clinging to something that's not there or maybe even alive. You have to learn to move now and let things go. It could also be something that is rebirth if it did die. Also you are only hurting yourself.
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Female, 37
USA - California
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640191's Interests:
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Well I'm an easy going person anad love to be around the people that I love such as my friends, family, and my boyfriend.
My interests are hanging out and having a good time. Listening to music also.
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I love just about a litlle of everything and HIP HOP.
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