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You searched for: Tag: favoritism
    Jimay25  36, Male, Philippines - 5 entries
May 2008
6:45 PM EDT


I am a filipino. my girlfriend is darker than me. When people see us they laugh at us but it's okay. I'm used to it already. I just feel sad whenever my gf hears their sharp remarks, judgements, jokes about us. She gets hurt. But good thing I'm there to comfort her. I hope God supports our relationship, because most people in the world aren't supporting. Not even family members. My cousins laugh at us. my friends even deserted me after knowing my girlfriend was darker. It's like there's a universal rule, "Don't mix white with black". when the truth to us here is: WE ARE ALL FILIPINOS. MOST OF US WERE BORN DARK. fairer complexion just came in because of interracial marriages. like filipino-chinese, filipinos and spaniards, fil-ams,etc. Some of my cousins were born with dark complexion, and their hair was so curly like the igorot or aeta. but because of monthly glutathione shots, over-expensive beauty products, botox, etc. they became "models", they strove for the model-image, as in magazines. Until now they still strive for these things when the fact is they're getting old. i don't think God wants people to change their skin complexion. Michael Jackson did. Now he hides his face because his plastic surgery is "melting" or I dunno what. He should have stayed black. The best singers and artists are black. Brian Mcknight, Boyz II Men, Babyface, Usher, beyonce, mariah carrey. although I know her mom was white.

In numbers 12, Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because he married a cushite, african woman. God heard and turned Miriam's skin WHITE AS SNOW. I'd like to believe Miriam discovered white skin wasn't more beautiful than dark skin. I hope and know, there are couples like us, who go through the pain of being criticized and judged the way we don't deserve. I hope in some way I could encourage you to hang in there. I hope that God-willing I could meet a couple, or more couples like us someday and support one another.���������

1 comment(s) - 08:25 AM - 07/17/2010

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