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Mar 2007
5:33 PM EST
well for starts ive been really sick lately, i jus found out on friday that i have ripped muscles in my stomach, today sum1 that i REALLY like and they said they liked me to told me that now they aint ready for a relationship cuz they like sum1 else now as well, one of my bestfriends got pissed of at me for sum reason unknown, my grades are all slipping, and i am either failing or EXTREMLY close to failing all my classes this semester, since my stomach muscles are ripped i cant do hardly anything so that means no more rugby, and no more work... oh yea and my mom jus told me like an hour ago that if i dont find a way for me to work then she is taking my phone away until i pay of my cell bill.... and thats jus briefly sayin wuts wrong
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Feb 2007
6:43 PM EST
ok so i just found out that the person i love to death n will love more then anyone else ever, likes me alot too. the thing is tho is that we can never be together becuz it wouldnt be accepted in either of our families, in our school, or even with our friends. they would all look down on us and treat us differently, it would NEVER be the same again. i dont care tho i love this person n they love me i dont care wut anyone else says about it. if its truely meant to be then it will work out between us and no one can say anything to make me change my mind.
and there is nothing anyone can do about it.
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Feb 2007
6:35 PM EST
Your perfect little girl dropped a grade on her report card.
Your perfect little girl yelled at you last night.
Your perfect little girl talked back to you again.
Your perfect little girl painted her nails black.
Your perfect little girl lied to you all her life.
Your perfect little girl cries herself to sleep.
Your perfect little girl slits her wrists ‘till she bleeds.
Your perfect little girl dated before sixteen.
Your perfect little girl was broken by a boy.
Your perfect little girl doesn’t go to church.
Your perfect little girl hates you.
Your perfect little girl has given up on life.
Your perfect little girl had a tantrum today.
Your perfect little girl wants to run away.
Your perfect little girl thinks she’s overweight.
Your perfect little girl hasn’t let you dry her tears.
Your perfect little girl disobeys you.
Your perfect little girl hates the world.
Your perfect little girl is hated by the world.
Your perfect little girl says bad things about you.
Your perfect little girl is very unhappy.
Your perfect little girl questions her sexuality.
Your perfect little girl tried to commit suicide.
Your perfect little girl has become a disgrace.
Your perfect little girl... isn't so perfect anymore.
This may jus be a poem that sum1 created because they were angry or sumthing, but it describes my life
. Not just sum of the poem, but the whole thing, cuz its all true about me.
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