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JK0228's Journal
Feb 2007
7:15 PM EDT
I cannot change my past but I can change the presentand thefuture. I can see my past as a way to make me stronger for thefuture.
I cannot change the way people have treated me in the past. I can realize how much it hurt and decide never to treat others that way.
I cannot change the people that I have hurt. I can say I'm sorry, ask for forgiveness and admit that I am only human.
I cannot change the ways I have hurt myself.I can take care of myself in the future and realize I am a person worthy of God's love.
I cannot change the mistakes I have made. I can just learn from them and realize that I wouldn't be who I am today if I didn't make them.
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Feb 2007
9:39 AM EDT
I am trying to figure this journal thing out. Is that question above something I am supposed to be answering? LOL - fun!
Do I ever pretend to be something I'm not? If I do, why am I doing it?
Yes - when I've met guys in the past, I try to pretend to be the perfect girl for them. When I met the guy I am married to now, I pretended I loved watching football.....funny thing is I really don't like it! I pretended like I loved sports and I really don't. Now I am in a relationship where we don't have things in common because when your married...the truth obviously comes up! So, lying to others and yourself is not a good idea because you will only end up unhappy. The reason I used to do it is because I wanted to be accepted. I felt like if I was not just like others, then they would not like/love me. Probably just stems from my insecurities. I am learning now that if I don't like something, I am going to say it because that makes me who I am! If I liked everything someone else liked, that would be totally boring and I would not be true to myself.
The things that I like are: reading, animals, riding horses, nature, people, cuddling, laughing till my stomach hurts, playing games, shopping, trying new things, movies and performances, playing the piano, dance, traveling and seeing new places, taking pictures, and constantly reliving my good memories and trying to make new ones.
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JK0228's Profile
Gender / Age:
Female, 45
USA - Maryland
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JK0228's Interests:
About Me:
Work in marketing and love my job. Trying to figure out what life is all about!
Animals Reading Writing Laughing People Shopping Movies and performances Trying new things Traveling to new places Taking pictures Good memories Making new memories Being silly Nature Helping others
Favorite Music:
I like all music...it depends on my mood. I like to listen to music that reflects how I am feeling.
Favorite Movies:
I like too many movies to pick a favorite!
Favorite Television:
House, The OC, The Office, LOST, Greys Anatomy
Favorite Books:
I like suspense/romance novels. I like books that contain both! Let me know if you have any to recommend!