unknown's Journal

Mar 2007
5:33 PM EST

well for starts ive been really sick lately, i jus found out on friday that i have ripped muscles in my stomach, today sum1 that i REALLY like and they said they liked me to told me that now they aint ready for a relationship cuz they like sum1 else now as well, one of my bestfriends got pissed of at me for sum reason unknown, my grades are all slipping, and i am either failing or EXTREMLY close to failing all my classes this semester, since my stomach muscles are ripped i cant do hardly anything so that means no more rugby, and no more work... oh yea and my mom jus told me like an hour ago that if i dont find a way for me to work then she is taking my phone away until i pay of my cell bill.... and thats jus briefly sayin wuts wrong

unknown's Profile

  • Username: unknown
  • Gender / Age: Female, 35
  • Location: Canada
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