martytx07's Journal

Aug 2011
5:07 PM CDT

Hate when life gets hard...

Well I'm posting another entry. It's been a while I guess. Last posted in July. Still trying to post more often but eh, it's all good. Ok, well let me just talk about the stuff that has happend in the last week. Well my car broke down when I was driving around on Sunday. My head gasket blew. Big WAH! I had to pay an arm and a leg to get it fixed. I sort of wonder if I was cheated out a little because first he told me the estimated price would be $750 then when I paid him all of the money it turned out to be $950. I just went ahead and paid it. I'm broke like a joke right now but it had to be done. I need my car! In the end, I began thinking $950 was ok because 1, he had the car for only 5 days. 2, he changed the water pump, timing belt, some pipe that needed to be repaired and aslo put in a new reservoir cause my old one was cracked and that's what caused my car to overheat in the first place and 3, he's a really good mechanic and I can trust that the work he does is gonna last. Right now I'm at work on my lunch break. I'm working as a CSA backup now. I don't know if I have mentioned that in my posting before. Oh, and my brothers birthday party was last Saturday and that was pretty fun. Didn't get too too drunk but got drunk enough. I ended the night by going over to Mateo's new apartment and he brought up the BF thing and I told him I don't think I want that just yet. I feel that we don't even talk enough and if we do become BF's I'll probably end up hurting him in the end because I like my free time and I like my time to myself so I don't know. Anyways, um, I'm about to go clock back in and I'll post again some other time. Later bitches! :D

Jul 2011
5:57 AM EDT

Another 6 months later...

It never fails...I get the weekly e-mails and what not and I can't seem to take 10 minutes away to write in here. I actually think writing on here once in a while is pretty healthy. Like I said before....well I think I said it before, it's pretty cool to go back and see what you wrote and just see what was going on during that little time frame. Like to go back to some of my first posts where I was still in the closet and afraid of being who I am but now, I'm just proud to be who and I am and everyone I know is accepting of it. Well anyways, yesterday, my cousin (also gay) and her girlfriend came over. They freaking came knocking at the door at 3:30 in the morning and I was like WTF! It actually got me a little upset that they were knocking so much cause my brother was asleep and he had to be at work at 6 in the morning so thought it was a little rude and uncalled for. They could have called my aunts phone or something to let us know that they were here but whatever. Anyways, well aside from that, we had BBQ yesterday and had a couple a head actually hurts a little :( but I'll be arlight. It's freaking almost 6AM and I don't know why I woke up. I'm debating on whether I should go back to sleep or get my butt ready to go to the gym. I'm trying to work out more. I freaking gained some weight...well it's sort of hard to say how much because my weight goes back and forth. The smallest I've been is 202 lbs since I've lost weight but I have climbed back up to 220 :( But good thing is I got back �on the scale yesterday and weighed 218 so I'm dropping again. Told you me weight jumps all around. But hey, a big drop down from the fat 315 I was in the beginning so I'm still happy about that big lost of course. Oh, well anyways, freaking last night I was texting a friend, more like a F buddy...I know, I know, so not cute to say I have an F buddy. Anyways, well I was texting him and started getting depressed like cause we chit chat all the time and stuff and we talked about hanging out but we never do. It's sort of like I want more from him but he can't cause he's on the downlow and it's just frustrating. So I started crying and stuff. Haven't had a good cry in a long time so it was a good thing I guess. It's healthy to cry once in a while right? But anyways, yeah, I feel as though I don't want to be just a fuck anymore. Like I want something better. I feel as though I have a great personality and a great heart but it's sort of getting to that point where I'm wondering when am I going to find someone who I can call my own. I'm sure the day will come sometime but it just hasn't happened and it sucks. I have no one to blame but myself because I keep talking to these guys who are on the downlow or not out and of course they're not going to choose me over letting their friends and family know so yeah. Well anyways, enough of all this...I think I'm gonna make my decision to lay down and go back to sleep and go work out later :) Back to sleep! Work at 1....

Dec 2010
8:10 AM EDT

TGIF!!! :D

Ok, well as you can see I'm posting another post before the year is over so definitely a lot better than I have been doing! Um, what to talk about... well it's almost Christmas! We did names this year to save on money, we have a big family so definitely going to save money. I'm getting the kids (nephews) gifts still though... Well I finished my first semester of school (only 2 classes this semester) and I did good, made A's in both classes. I'm gonna shoot for 4 classes next semester. I've been out of school for 3 years! So yeah, wanted to start off slow and saw that it wasn't that hard to do with working a full time so going to push it a little further. It sucks that I'm so far behind but oh well, better late than never. Right now I want to be a teacher... I think it's just something that I will love. I really like helping people understand something, especially math. Even this year, I was helping my co worker with her math. She's in college too so yeah. She sort of sucks... LOL. She has a problem with making excuses for herself or like making her self seem smarter than she is. Like she will say how she was so smart in high school but she failed the TAKS? Um, ok LOL. I'm not trying to hate but if you're smart and doing so great in your classes, how the heck do you fail the TAKS? I sort of told her that maybe her school just sucked and they didn't teach right LOL. I actually think she was a little offended by it. Well me, I did great in school and I was commended in all my TAKS test so yeah. I mean, I know a lot of things come easy and if things don't come easy, I study my butt off! I mean, that's what you have to do. Well she only took one class last semester and gonna take two this semester. I'm just thinking man, that's going to take too long! Even for myself, two classes is not enough! I'll be in school forever at that rate! So like I said, four classes it is for next semester! I hope I can handle it. I know it's going to be a challenge but I think I'm ready for it! My relationship status: still no boyfriend but not sure I want one either. I'm just trying to worry about me right now but I mean it would be nice to meet someone special I guess. I was talking to this one dude I really, really liked a while back. We met on a gay app on the iPhone and we got to chatting and he wanted to meet so met up at a park and just walked around and talked. Ok, well I was first stand offish about it because he had told me ahead of time how short he was. 5'5 or something like that LOL. Well anyways, I get at the park first and when he gets out his car he's short of course but he's so cute! We walked around talked, got to know each other and chilled for about 2 hours. I got to know a lot about him. It seemed so romantic even though we didn't do anything, Then as we were about to say our good byes we ended up talking some more, sat down on the curb and looked at the stars and yeah, I know! Cheesy but it's how it really happened. So anyways, it was somewhat chilly so he was like, "Want to go sit in my car" So we did, talked some more, and at this time I was sort of like, um, does he like me or not? So anyways, we are talking and he starts saying something about his hair, and I just say that I think it's cute. And rub his head and he leans in for a kiss and of course I kiss back LOL. He later texted me that he wasn't sure I liked him but of course I did! LOL. So anyways, long story short, we hung out again, texted, talked whatever for the next two weeks, then he went off to California for the weekend. I got to say that he says he's "confused" I guess and non one knows his interest for guys so I wasn't going to text him over the weekend because I knew he would be with friends. Well anyways, Monday comes along and I send him a text and no response, cool, probably busy, Tuesday text him nothing. Wednesday text him and I'm sort of like, WTF at this point. Tell him if he wants me to lose his number I will, I don't want to feel like I'm bugging him. He finally texted me back saying he had just gotten back, was studying for finals, he is confused but wants to be friends. Ugh, straight/confused boys! So anyways, I decided I'm going to see if he even texts me first (like he use to!) and I wait like 5 days and not once does he just send me a text to say good morning, what's up, nothing. So I'm just like, OK, I'm done. I send him my farewells and told him I would delete his number, he could do the same and I wished him the best of luck in whatever he does. Like I said, I really liked him and I'm wondering why. I mean, I've hung out with a couple of guys and this particular one was definitely my favorite. I think what I like the most was that he seemed straight. The way he talked, walked, wore his baseball cap, it was all really straight/masculine. And that's what it's about to be gay for me. I like men. Period. I don't like those guys who are more flamboyant than females, I like men. Eventually I guess, that was the big down fall. He is straight/bi whatever and I don't know if he could face the gay part of that. :( Oh well, hopefully I'll meet someone again who can act like that I hopefully I can sweep him off his feet enough to keep him� :D I'll try to keep y'all updated ;)

Nov 2010
11:40 AM EDT

It's been WAY too long!!!

Ok, well I always get those e-mails that try to remind me to post or whatever but I never do it...haha, I'm retarded like that. Anyways, the other day I got an e-mail stating that it had been 11 months since I last posted...really? I didn't realize it had been so long but guess that makes sense since this year has really flown by! It's crazy! I cannot believe it's already close to the end of the year! Thanksgiving today! Gonna go over to my sisters house and have lunch over there. She and her girlfriend got married 2 months ago so that's great. They even went to Iowa...I think Iowa lol and got married. Her wife even changed her last name to Del Angel. It was a nice wedding they had...ok well anyways, Umm, what has been going on with me. Well I have continued to lose more weight and I am pretty happy with how far I have come. I am down to roughly about 205 - 210 pounds right now. Started at 315 so yeah, have come a very long way! I need to upload some more pics or if y'all like, y'all can just search martytx07 on youtube and find some of my video blog things. I am back in school...finally! I'm only taking two classes but it's better than nothing. Gotta keep the full time job and balancing school so yeah, a lot easier than I thought it was going to be. Next semester thinking about taking 3, but not too sure yet. Gotta see if I can afford it...I'm starting to date more now so that's good too. Guess I got a small confidence boost after the weight loss. Umm, well anyways, gonna have to get going in a few so I will try to post something on here later. I really should attempt to write at least twice a month or something...think it's reasonable...but ehh, we will see lol.

Dec 2009
3:12 AM CST

Ok well let's see what to talk about. Umm, well last weekend I went out to the gay club with my friend Janie from work. We got wasted...her more than me because she's smaller than me. No one hit on surprise. I don't know, maybe I'm just too ugly, I don't know. I tried talking to this one dude, he was chubby so I figured he would talk to me but he sort of walked away...yeah, how sad haha. I don't know, I think I need to stop thinking about guys for a minute and stop trying to talk to them...I talk to some on Mocospace and like text a few on some of the iPhone apps but I sort of feel like I get rejected. Guess not many guys like big guys. Although I'm working on that and I'm sort of wondering if losing weight is for them or for me. I like to think it's for me but I'm still questioning my motives. I've lost close to about 50lbs which I think is amazing! I thought I would never get that far! But I think I need to stop worrying about guys and just worry about myself and what I want. I want a boyfriend but I really don't need one that badly. My confidence is sort of low too but it's not that that low. I mean I think I look ok for a big guy...I don't know. Well anyways, hope to have lost more weight by the next time I post something. I am down to 268 and started at 315....

Nov 2009
8:20 PM CST

Well it's really late right now but I feel that I need to write something down since once again it's been forever and a day since I last written! I swear! I always mean to write more but I get distracted and never get to it. Well let me see what to talk about. Ok, well Ashlea doesn't work with me anymore, I'm working with this new girl Ambra and OMG she's annoying! We got this new guy today and I'm going to be training him...I don't know if they (they meaning training coordinator) know that I'm still training Ambra because I think we're only suppose to train one person at a time but I really don't like training Ambra cause she freaking talks back too much...I don't know if she means to but let's say she says, "OK, now I enter it into the computer." I respond "Exactly" and she's like, "Yeah, that's why I was saying it" It's stupid. OK, you dumb bitch! I'm just reassuring your dumb ass! Ugh, she really erks my nerves! I'm like why say anything if you don't want someone to respond. I don't like her at all and plus she's slow as hell I'm just like, umm yeah...and ugly. Ugh, I really don't talk about people like this but that girl is something else! OK, well back to the new guy. He's sort of cute. He's like a tall stocky dude. He was a donor so yeah, I remember seeing him when he was going to first donate and I thought he was sort of cute so now I'm working with him and it's sort of like...yeah, haha. Oh, and today he was like, "So do you see a lot of hot girls from here." I was like oh lord, should I tell him, "Naw, but I see a couple of hot guys!" Haha! Mmhmm! I don't know. A lot of people know I'm gay at work least 10 or so...not even sure. One older guy Daniel was like, "Oh noo!" and I was like "YESSSS!" Haha. He was like, "I can't stand to look at you Matin!" with his Mexican accent! But he was just messing because was talking to me in a couple of minutes haha. This other dude Trice always teases me and says like little smart remarks like I got semen on my face or just stupid little shit. I just go along with him and say something nastier like, "Naw, it's in my mouth! I clean up real good!" and he gets grossed out LOL. He doesn't think I'm gay and he thinks it's a choice. Ha! Choice my ass! I told him to choose to like dick and I'll try to choose to like pussy! Yeah, I know where did this potty mouth come from!?! Umm, let's talk about me for a minute! Umm, I've been dieting...ish! I've lost about 40lbs total since June! Woot woot! I no longer wear glasses. Got me some contacts and I'm really getting use to them for the most part. Don't like the weird foggy part after having them in for a while and still takes a second to get them in but no where as near as long as it use to! Well anyways, it's already 2:19 and I need to hit the sack. I'll try to keep y'all updated...try! Night y'all!

Jul 2009
5:05 PM CST

July 8th 2009 Update!

Well I just got off work not too long ago. Got back from a meeting. Oh God, what to talk about. I don't know, it's been so long since I've written on here. I have come out to a few people at work. It feels good to finally be able to talk more freely to certain people. Not everyone knows but some of the people I talk to more often than others know. Mostly the girls, I just feel more comfortable telling them than the guys that I associate with. Me and Ashlea work together every single day that I'm there so I had to tell her first and she was completely cool with it. We now discuss any hot donors...we don't have the same taste for the most part unless it's a realreally really hot guy, lol. More people know too cause of the blog that I wrote on MySpace and I also told my mom. She doens't play a huge part in my life so her opinion about it wasn't really going to affect me. She was cool with it. Just said that my dad would be sad. She didn't believe me at first but then I was like, so do you still love me and she was just like yeah, I still love you. Oh, and then this donor for some odd reason found my myspace and told another co worker about it but she didn't care at all about it. I guess she knew. And then one day he was sitting by the window and he was talking to some other donor about me and I talk to this particular donor once in a while so she told me and my brother that he told her that he didn't like me cause I was gay. I was like, umm, his ugly fat ass better shut the fuck up with his dirty looking ass, haha, I was so mad lol. He just kept on looking at me while he was donating...AWKWARD! I thought he was gay and liked me or something cause he was looking a lot. No sir! I wouldn't play that! Anyways, yeah, so now about 6 workers at work know now but haven't gotten any bad comments or anything from anyone. I really don't care what people have to say about it to be honest. My

Apr 2009
12:28 PM CST

Well I told my brother and he seems ok with it. He kidded around and was saying he isn't gonna let his kids drink water from to cause me and my sister are gay. I was like ummm no it probably was that Waco or sinton water cause I lived over there when I was younger. I also changed my myspace to gay. Little nervous about who finds out but not really. My family are the ones who meant anything so anyone else who disapproves then I say fuck em! I'm so happy that I'm finally coming out. It's really not that big of a deal once you get down to it. Well I'm at work and on break so can't waste too much time doing this so I'll keep y'all updated. Now all I need is a boo! Haha. I want a boyfriend so bad. :( LOL oh well I've been single this long it ain't gonna hurt to wait.

Apr 2009
5:49 AM CST

Well I got me a new iPod and I love it! I can get online with it and I think it's just in all a very cool device. It's the touch. Now it just makes me want an iPhone even more! Well I'm not writing much more just wanted to say that. Later bitches!!!

Mar 2009
1:59 AM CST

im bascialy out to my whole family!

so just wanted to say that i came out to almost all of my imediate family. it feels like a lot of weights have been lifted and the support that i got from all of them has been pretty good. only my sister rose cried.... i knew she would she cries for everything. she was the one i was worried about telling but she was pretty fine with it. i just texted her and told her. she just told me i have always been supportive of her so she is gonna always do the same for me and yada yada. she was a little upset that i had told a lotofpeople before her...only 3 but i was just like rose theyre all gay. of course i would tell them first. i needed that support behind me. ok well im gonna cut this short cause im using my phone and i cant type as well as i can on the computer so yeah. ill talk to yall later! oh so total ummm 6 people know. 3 sisters 1 bro and 2 cuz. need to tell my bro and parents...well see how that goes.

Mar 2009
6:15 PM CST

OK, so just came out to 2 of my cousins...I'm on a role now! :D
2 comment(s) - 07:35 AM - 03/06/2009

Jan 2009
5:09 PM CST

I came out to one person!!!!!

Yay!!! I came out to one person! I'm just happy!!! :D

Jan 2009
2:14 PM CST

Another update! These are always fun!!!!

����������� Ok, well I don’t know what to talk about really. Not much has been going on other than all this crazy weather we’re having. I swear, two days ago I was hot! Like, it was hot to where I was thinking about turning on the central air hot! And now today, there are icicles on the branches. It’s crazy! �I’m just like, what the crap! Oh, and for my New Year’s resolution is to stop cursing so much and to also stop drinking soda other than if I’m at the movies because I’m not going to pay $3 for a bottle of water! I mean, I can’t do it. Water should be free and I disagree to pay for it. Well I mean, we pay the water bill and I’m paying in that way but c’mon! Water costing $3! That water better make me lose a pound in that one bottle! Let’s see what else. Oh, well we got this new worker, I’m his trainer. He’s cool and all but I don’t know. He keeps on talking about girls and this and that, and I don’t think he’s too fond of gays. He talks about it’s not natural and this and that. I’m just like, oh, ok, you know. I think he’ll probably get me to come out and just go bad on him. For one, I hate when people say, oh it’s a choice. Ha, yeah, I CHOSE to be different. I CHOSE to be hated by homophobes. I CHOSE to have to feel scared about being with a guy. Yeah, I CHOSE to be gay and like men. It’s so dumb, I don’t know. I should just write a book. And of course he continues to go on, he said something about, “Oh, I studied biology and I know that there is no way a rectum should be use for that” or some crap like that. I was just thinking, Ok, a girl’s mouth isn’t used to suck d**k but bet he wouldn’t mind if the girl got on her knees. Am I right? Really! And to be honest I do like the feeling, LOL. I don’t know. He doesn’t want me to come out because if I did, oh I would let him have it. You wanna be a great debater, let’s go! But yeah, I don’t know. Umm, let me see what else to talk about. Oh, my freaking sister got in a wreck (while I was with her, my first time in a wreck!) while she was driving my other sister’s car. Yeah, it was really scary! But no one was hurt so that was a blessing. Umm, let me see what else. Oh, my cousin has continued to be a rotten mother to her kids. She dropped them off at my grandma’s house just like she did to us. Yeah, I don’t know if it’s because she doesn’t love them or just doesn’t behave the way a mother should. I mean, I don’t think my mom was a very good mother but I loved her to death and I know that she loved me to death. I mean, the woman would cry over anything. I remember when I cut my foot on some glass and was bleeding she started crying. It didn’t hurt too badly but it sort of felt good to know that she loved me. I guess I always knew, I even remember when I was younger, like 3 or so, I remember telling her I wanted to marry her, not knowing of course how nasty and wrong that would have been, LOL. I was even telling my sister that and she was just like, “Oh, that’s so cute!” I was like, yeah, when I was younger she was my everything. She was the world to me. It’s sort of sad to think that her daughter won’t feel the way I did about my mom nor does her mom feel that same about her. I don’t know what is the matter with that girl is. All I can think of is, “THIS IS YOUR BABY!!! HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE AND WANT TO CARE FOR YOUR BABY!!!” But maybe one day she’ll learn a thing or two about them kids but when that day comes, it will probably be too late for them kids. Umm, what else to talk about…oh, we also got this other new guy. He’s a little slow it seems like. Sometimes he talks and I’m like, what the crap are you talking about. He thinks he’s hot or something. I’ll give him a 6 out of a 10. 10 being crazy cute where I look at you more than once and just say to myself several times, “Dang, you are SEXY/CUTE!” I’ve seen maybe umm, about 5-10 donors that we’re like oh crap and maybe 2 � workers. � meaning I thought this guy was really super cute when I first saw him but now he’s like an 8. Just when you’re more up close you know, LOL. Yeah, well anyways, he’s a 6. He talks about girls but he never really discusses gays or whatever. Guess haven’t gotten to that subject. I don’t know why me and Pete (the other guy) discussed it one day. It was weird. I want to say it’s because there’s this girl who works there and I told him she’s lesbian and he went off from there. He says, “I don’t dislike gay people. I love gay people. I just disagree with their relationship.” What kind of stupid CRAP is that? Umm, gay people and gay relationships…sort of go hand in hand don’t you think. Being gay is your sexual orientation meaning that some kind of sexual relationship is involved. Yeah, I don’t know. Anyways, back to the other guy, Robert. Yeah, he just talks about girls and crap once in a while but he says he wouldn’t cheat on his girlfriend because he wouldn’t throw away what he has for p*55y. So that’s good I think. I tell him I’m going to message his girlfriend and tell her and he was like, “Nah man!” LOL I wouldn’t do that of course. That’s him and her. It just seems that the majority of men are pigs. It freaking sucks. Rob and another guy were talking about a donor and the other guy was telling Rob to like put her number in his cell with a guy’s name. I just think, dang are men really like this??? I mean, yeah, I know my occasional a-hole such as my cousin and stuff but really! I don’t know. Well hopefully I can find a good guy one day. I hope. Well until next week. I’ll talk to y’all later! �

Oct 2008
3:53 PM CST

Let me see. Oh, well let me tell y'all haha. Ok, well my cousing dropped her kids off because her and her old ass nasty man were gonna go down to Houston to work after the whole Hurricane...crap, forgot it's name. Anyways, ok, do y'all know how long that was??? Anyways, they were gonna be her for one week. Ok, well anyways, sister found out from my aunt that they were gonna be here for 2 weeks because that's how long they were gonna be in Houston and my brother told me too because something about the people who were gonna go down and work had to be there for at least 2 weeks. So anyways, why were those damn kids here for 5 weeks going on 6 weeks? Ok, well my sister had called CPS on the beginning of the 5th week because my cousin hadn't sent her any money, and she even told my sister that she was gonna send her foodstamp card in the mail and of course we didn't get that either. So it was like, what the hell. Anyways, CPS did give my sister custody and were gonna stop the foodstamps and all that. Ok, well finally my cousin called last night asking to call Rose. And my sister hadn't talked to her in about 2 weeks. She's gonna finally call because guess who got a hold of that nasty old man! CPS! And she was telling my sister this and that about why did she call or whatever and then my freaking Aunt, my cousin's momma called my sister asking her why did she call CPS and this and that. I was just like are you kidding me? The bitch just left her kids here for 5 weeks. What was she suppose to do? And then my aunt was like, well you could've called us or something to get my cousin's number. When my sister told me I was like, I would've cussed that bitch out. Sure in the hell would've. Why should my sister have to call around to find out my cousin's number when we had her two fucking kids. Now that's a sorry ass bitch right there. Ya'll who are probably reading this are like, OMG, you talk like that, haha. I sure do, and I wish I would have been awake when that bitch came too cause I would've told her bitch ass some shit. And I wish I would've talked to my aunt cussed her stupid ass out too. I mean really. Ugh, and her momma is just as sorry...guess the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. Anways, umm, what else. Oh I went to the gay block party. That was pretty....interesting, lol. There were a few hot guys and a few wierd ones, lol. I think I saw one guy turn his head when I walked by so I was just like, yay, haha. And then when I was walking into this convience store this other guy was walking out and he grabbed my left tit. I said, "What the fuck?" and turned to look at him and he said something in spanish like he was trying to look sexy or something like squinching his eyes a little and stuff. I was like, umm, yeah, lol. He was older looking, probably in his 30's but he did have an ok body. I don't know, lol. No one reall hit on me or anything so yeah. Plus I was with my family and I'm not out yet. We just went cause of my cousin. Saw a lot of neat looking costumes. Ok, well let me go, and as you can tell I'm not typing with my new phone which by the way I really, really like, just wish the keyboard was a little bigger for my fat ass fingers! Lataz y'all!!!
1 comment(s) - 09:23 AM - 10/29/2008

Oct 2008
2:32 PM CST

just an update

Hey everyone. Well I just got a neew phone and I gotta say I like it for the most part. It's a blackjack II and yeah lol. Got it from some guy who was selling it on craigslist. I'm not gonna type a lot because the qwert keyboard doesn't beat a real keyboard so yeah this is me signinng off.

Jun 2008
3:10 PM CST

Well let's see. Work has been going alright and it seems as if they're really trying to come up with good ways to help motivate us to do better. They're offering these little "ZLB bucks" where if we do something that's over and beyond of what we're suppose to do or something. I got one because yesterday I caught a bleed label mix-up which basically is, for instance, if you donate and you're name is John and let say your number is 284. When I type in 284 in the control number your name will pop up after I click execute. The numbers are a lot bigger than that but still. There's 11 digits in real numbers. Anyways, so I type that in and I notice that the name didn't pop up right so I take a second look and on the person's chart was a different name. Now, the people who put those control numbers are the people up front, the reception. Then if the mistake happens, then the people setting up the machine or the phlebotomist should catch it and they didn't. So I caught it when I was putting it in our computer system. I know, boring right, haha. Well that's all that's really going on. Oh, and at my job, they're going to begin to offer maybe some better schedules because of rising gas prices. Maybe four or even 3 days a week. I think that would be AWESOME! I could def. do 4 days of 10 hours! Mmhmm. OK, well I don't know how true they are gonna go into that but we'll see. Anyways, that's it for now, hopefully all is well.

May 2008
11:27 AM CST

Well nothing much to say. Nothing has changed since my last entry. Same ole same ole. I'm still just working and yeah, lol. Umm, let me see....yeah, today is Memorial day and I worked. We closed four hours early so yeah, that was sort of cool. I worked bout six hours and we are getting that doubled so I got 12, how cool is that :D LOL. I really wanted to go to the water park though but that didn't happen :( Ugh, and right now I'm so like broke. I don't even know how, it's crazy. This the first time I've been this broke since like before Krogers, haha. It's crazy!!! I have like a total of $10 on me. It's crazy but if everyone I lent money to was to pay me back I would get back $417. I'm not gonna let people borrow large sums of money other than family. One lady I et borrow $200 and only got back $20 so far and some other guy I let borrow $160. I can't do it anymore, period. I just can't. It isn't fair for me to have to struggle, I mean, granted I know they're probably struggling too or they wouldn't have to ask but still, I need to make sure I'm OK before helping anyone else out. Ok, well that's all I'm gonna write for right now, got home like two hours ago and I'm tired. I'll probably watch a movie or two and then I'm done. Ugh, and I have to go in at 6:30AM tomorrow...grr. Hate morning's!

May 2008
1:14 PM CST

Well once again I don't know what to write so I'l just talk. Well umm, not too sure if I talked about this but I got promoted at my job :D I got a 76 raise and yeah, pretty hot! I'm not sure if people are upset because we started a new program and people who have been there longer than me are no longer "seniors" I'm the only senior in my area so OH YEAH! Haha. It's a little hard but I'm getting use to it. Just pulling boxes of plasma out from the freezer and taking care of them for shipment. Umm, let me see what else. Umm, still no word on my laptop, so sort of gave up on that. Try not to really think about it. Just put my old computer in my room...still want a new one though...just a computer, not a laptop. Well I guess right now everything is going alright except for the higher gas prices! It sucks ass!!!! Anyways, last week nothing interesting happened. I went shopping at the mall and I thought these two chicks were gonna go at it. I was like for a second getting ready to go stop them (no idea why though, maybe just maturing or something, I don't know.) but they didn't so yeah. I bought some expensive ass shoes for $109...the shox. WOW! Never paid that much for shoes in my LIFE! But hey, hopefully they last long. Umm, I also went down to Waco yesterday and I saw my sister's friends and her kids. Some bad little kids there. I was messing with the older one and I picked her up and said she's coming with me. She went crazy and when she went back to her mom she was like, "Bitch!" I was like, this little girl is a mess. I was sort of wanting her to get mad so I achieved my goal. I really don't think it's nice for kids to be cursing but if they do they do, not my kids. I was hoping to see my step-cousin...just to see him, see if he's still hot, lol. Anyways, I wrote enough, talk to you later!!!

Mar 2008
6:21 PM CST

Laptop stolen....

Well if you read my post a while back you would have saw that I was super excited about getting my laptop. Well sadly, after I got home from going out to dinner I noticed my laptop was gone. I mean, for a second I thought, holly crap, someone took it but then I thought, no, maybe my sister borrowed it or something. She didn't. Someone took it and I feel like sick, like my stomach hurts and stuff from thinking about it too much I guess. I mean, I don't have much...I really don't. And this was like something that I decided hey, why not go for it. And yeah, that went bad. I just hope that whoever took it gets theirs. I really do.....c'mon Karma, do your thing....

Feb 2008
8:24 AM EDT

Little talk....

Dang, there were some hot guys donating at plasma yesterday! Mmhmm. I was just like damn, haha. I saw maybe like, umm, 4 hot guys within 30 minutes, I was just like damn! LOL. And usually there's nothing but old looking, trashy looking guys, so yeah, I was a tad excited :D Haha. There's this one guy, I first saw him when I was donating, he had sat right across from me. He had this smile that like melts you. I don't really know how old he is...maybe like 25 or something...a tad old but yeah, lol. I love his smile. Well he was there. And then this other dude, he was tall and muscular, I was like, OMG! He had a nice ass body. They laid him pretty far so I couldn't see him well, lol. He was just like, ahh, lol. I think it was barely his 2nd time donating. He was hot! Then this other dude, he is cute! He looks like he has a big..well you know, haha. Mexican, cear face, cute smile, anda little meat like I like it, lol. So yeah, and then this other Mexican dude with an army shirt on, he had a cute face and from what I could see a pretty nice body. Ok, well told you this was short...just wanted to write this down because it's not everyday when hot guys donate ;D

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martytx07's Profile

  • Username: martytx07
  • Gender / Age: Male, 37
  • Location: USA - Texas
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    MARTYTX07's Interests:

    About Me: Just a normal gay dude from Texas. Genuinely a nice guy who loves to smile :Dh

    Interests: Computers, music, reading, video games, & YOUTUBE!!!

    Favorite Music: Country - Carrie Underwood, Martina McBride, Faith Hill, Kenny Chesney, Toby Keith, Keith Urban, Blake Shelton, LeAnn Rimes, Dixie Chicks, Pop - KELLY CLARKSON!!! James Blunt, Simple Plan, Natasha Bedingfield, Britney Spears, Nelly, NB Ridaz, Frankie J, Usher, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, and A LOT more that I can't think of right now!!!

    Favorite Movies: Titanic, The Day After Tomorrow, The Notebook, Scream, Something About Mary, Butterfly Effect, 10 Things I Hate About You, Hairspray (Oringal with Ricky),

    Favorite Television: American Idol, Heroes, American Dad, Prison Break, The Hills, I Love NY, Ugly Betty, Simpsons, Family Guy, Nip/Tuck

    Favorite Books: Harry Potter, and other books that I had to read for school: Animal Farm, 1984, Their Eyes Were Watching God, and some other books.