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blue4u's Journal
Apr 2007
9:25 PM EDT
who really knows where this world is going or how long we all have left here....
who would have known that finding love would be so hard.......and what do we call happiness.......At times in my life I know I have experienced love and felt it...only thing it was short tem or I guess you could say another level of it ....Such as loving your brother or family oreven stronger the birth of your children.....but what about that run to the end of the world to catch up with your racing heart once you see that one person....or even from a phone call......IF you was ever to catch up with this out of the world kind of love,,,,,what would happen...the tickle in your stomache or the glow on your face when your glad you woke up too be there only for a feeling......would you be able to keep it the same and never let it come to a lesser degree or ever let it fade.....
why does it fade if it were really love..... humans are not perfect but love is suppose to be...... So how can an imperfect thing have a perfect anything......SO its only a matter of time bfore it spoils....even know we now this as we have for eternity We will still look steal 4 ity
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Female, 48
USA - Louisiana
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