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bouchem's Journal
Dec 2006
6:54 PM EDT
all right finally im home yes..i been at work since 7 am and i rushed home just to jump online check to see if i have an mail on my space and nothing...so i guess ill shower go to bed and do it all over again tomorrow..i had an ok day at work it went by fast i guess thats good tomorrow is going to be a long day im working 12pm intill 9pm plus its going to be my first time closing by my self i dont know if i can do it i hope it goes smooth
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Dec 2006
2:43 PM MST
well i'm new to this...today was my day off of work i feel like i had so much to do but so little time..i really didnt do much just washed some clothes cleand up a little...i all so tryed calling my ex ya i know why do i want to talk to him if i know his no good for me...even though we been spreated for a year and 2 months i still feel like one day he will change i know im silly why would i want that back in my life right now everything is going good i'm starting to get back on my feet again.. got a new job this is my 2 week there i like it..i guess what it is i want to share my goods and bads in my life with some one..
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Female, 45
USA - California
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