Gabriel18's Journal

Jan 2007
2:23 PM EDT

My day is really good so far! But i think it went to fast, because my friend that i came really close with in a friendship had left to Big Bear to live with her mom so i will really miss her. Then my other friend is leaving to Mexico with her aunt so yeah mostly all of my friends are leaving so yeaj it really sucks.

Jan 2007
2:24 PM EDT

Winnig doesnt mean anthing.Even if u loose u will still be happy but not happy about loosing! But you will be really happy that u gave all you could during the race.

Dec 2006
2:32 PM EDT

Rudness, mean(sometimes), kindness(says sam), nice, and funny
3 comment(s) - 04:44 PM - 12/21/2006

Gabriel18's Profile

  • Username: Gabriel18
  • Gender / Age: Male, 33
  • Location: USA - California
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