Sixx's Journal
Oct 2006
2:50 PM CST
j & b All I can say is I am sorry you find me so interesting. Get a life. Get out of mine. I owe you nothing. I have no respect for you. You can try to destroy me, but you wont. And guess who, in the end will get theirs.... KARMA baby KARMA
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Oct 2006
2:49 PM CST
Frances.... Oh yes, you I will call out by name. What in the world has come over you? You gave them my account information? I think out of all of this, that hurts the most. We were best friends for so long. YOu are my sons step=mother, you were in my wedding, u came to the hospital to see me when B was born. Not only that has it crossed your feeble mind that I (and M too) supported you and helped you more than your family? That we are the ones who came to your rescue when Bryan kicked your ass in a drunken stupor? That I am the one who you called when your car was gone and I called and found out it was repossed and where it was - THEN too you there to get your crap out of it? LOOK AROUND YOUR HOUSE--------------A lot of the stuff there was stuff I gave to you when M and I moved in together. The table, lots of furniture and tons of knick knacks..... YOU ARE AMAZING, YOU BITCH! Keep in mind I know about Victor and that guy from ROHN you dated... while married to Mike. You really arent too bright are you? So tell me... you are apparently cheap enough to be bought out by J & B.... what did they offer you. YOu know, M warned me once to CASH my child support checks and NOT to deposit the checks because my acct info would be on there. I am sure, that like always he knew more than he told me.... but It never crossed my mind that you would do something like that. its too bad, that as usual I am smarter than you! There is a password on the account and without it they cant find out anything.... so you just fucked over the one person who was always there for you for nothing. J isnt your friend. She is a 2 faced, lying, controlling bitch. You arent classy enough for her. She doesnt like red-necks. Sorry... But you will be the one who looks used in the end. Sorry you wont have a friend to talk to. But thats your own fault. I am sorry you are too blind to see you are being used. If we were friends Id tell you that... but that was proven. Oh and BTW, You guys have been paying child support about 10 bucks a month short, for a while now. We were friends.. it was no biggie between friends. And you also ALWAYS pay 1 month late.... July should be paid in June.... NOT July... But I will eventually let my attorney explain that. Tell you what chicky, you must have some major balls.... You know me better than anyone... You of all people should know not to fuck with me.... and that I have lots of patience...... I am amazed by you. You have 2 kids, NEITHER OF WHICH YOU HAVE CUSTODY OF.... keep that in mind too. Fuck you, you lying cunt whore! I hope
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- 11:27 AM - 12/28/2010
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Oct 2006
2:36 PM CST
Dear M, We got married and had one of the most amazing relationships I could have ever imagined. Soul mates. What happened? You dont talk to me, you are always mad at me.... I know your family puts constant pressure on you,,,,, And I know you say you want things to be like they were... that would be great. But lets face it - that will never happen. Too much has happened. You have failed me in too many ways. I tried everything I could to make sure you had it easy, and that was my mistake. You became spoiled. And now that I am not sitting here being the perfect wife you cant take it. Yes, I stand up for myself more. I look out for me! I dont worry or care about too many others anymore. No one was making my life easy and I dont see that happening. Yes in some ways you do allow me to be the person I want to be. But I catch hell for it. All the friggin text messages and crap like that. YOur mom always worries about the most fucked up things and I am always covering your ass with her when she ask if you are ok.... lol.... I always say yes. SHe ask if we are ok.... lol... I always say yes. We are about the farthest from OK that 2 people can be. Honestly, I dont think I will be here much longer. I cant take it. I need to move on and be who I am supposed to be. All the drama is too much... I dont need it - I dont want it. But J & B THRIVE on it. - They arent the only problems.... there are too many. In case u forgot we have 3 kids. I take care of them. One is never here cause he has NO respect for you. One you have basically relinqushed control to your dad and the other is too young, but seems to be forming opinions. I have never asked much from you. I ask that you stand up for me when your parents attack my character. You say you have. Unfortunatley, you have never done it when I was there... The car.... Are you kidding me? GROW SOME FUCKING BALLS AND SPEAK UP!!!!! You say you sold your soul to them to help us out... I guess thats one of the major differences between us... I sell my soul to NO one for NO reason. I dont know how you sleep so well at night. NIght? Ha thats funny. All you do is sleep... all day, all night, all weekend... all the time. I am a single parent, with kids..... and a husband. Do you really think this is fixable? I cant deal with your family and you are sooo busy kissing their ass that you cant take time to see anything past them. Ive tried and tried to talk to you. YOu say you listen. Whatever.... Im tired of talking. If it werent for the little we have I would just pack up and disappear somewhere one night. But I cant. I owe too much to her.
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Oct 2006
2:18 PM CST
I guess I better do this or go crazy. Apparently there is something so interesting about me that EVERYONE feels the need to worry about what I do, may do, have done, or as most times the case.... accuse me of something. At almost 33, I am way too old for this crap I have to deal with. My in-laws are the most fucked up bunch of people and well everyone in my husbands family. They are trying all they can to destroy me... so following you will see my open letters to them all....
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Female, 52
USA - Alabama
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