sweettartsupercute007's Journal

Oct 2006
11:32 AM MDT

hey to you people who read this to day was a pretty good day. awwww right now my puppy looks so cute sleeping i a little ball all curled up. oohhh today i went for a walk and it is so cold out side and i didn't realized that it was that cold out so when i came inside i was like so stiff from the cold. mani just turnned 14 and i havn't even started studying for my learners yet may poarents keep naging nad naging me to study study study and i hate reading so i am so worried that i wont get it or let alone my drivers but i have learned to drive my friend denise she is helping me with my driveng because my parents are to busy.
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sweettartsupercute007's Profile

  • Username: sweettartsupercute007
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: Canada
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    SWEETTARTSUPERCUTE007's Interests:

    About Me: i am 14 years old and i have brown hair tan skin and beautiful brown eyes but in this picture i have blue eyes becuz i have coloured contacts. i am very active at some times and i have awesome friends and like always i have crushes but i am not telling you. i like to help out people alot and work for them and talk to them. i am also home schooled which i really like

    Interests: i like to have fun and dance to music even if it is really really old music that i don't like. i like to act like a fool some times and laugh about good times and funny things with my friends.

    Favorite Music: hmmmm... i pretty much like anything that has a good beat to it so far right now i am really digging um panic at the disco. i really like to sing i do consider my self a good singer and my freinds do to i like to sing along to the songs from high school musical my friend said the i sing like vanessa anne hughens which i thought was awesome cuz i like to sing i can also make my voice sound like any other stars when i am singing.

    Favorite Movies: i really like high school musical and i really can't wait till the second one comes out. i like take the lead and any movie that has zac efron in it pretty much. my favorite movies when i was little were the little mermaid and beauty and the beast and aladian i loved those movies oh and the lion king that was a good one to

    Favorite Television: i love the show america's next top model tyra banks is so cool i havn't missed a show in a long time. i also like americas finniest home videos that show make me laugh so hard i have to go to the bathroom. i also like desparate house wives now that is a good show i will admit it i do like alot of cartoons cartoons rock. when i was younger i was so obsessive about the show megaman nt worrior i got mad if i missed a show

    Favorite Books: um i don't like to read so there arn't many books i like to read but i am a jehovahs witness and we have book studys and we read our literature and then it has question that we answer and i like that i can't wait to start on our next book called the revalation book