ixypix23's Journal

Nov 2006
10:05 AM PDT

LOVE RULES ALL... acctually pherimones are the strongest force on the face of the earth, well at least in my opinon they are that magnetic force that drives all living matter. they are the magnet of our existance.
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ixypix23's Profile

  • Username: ixypix23
  • Gender / Age: Female, 42
  • Location: USA - Indiana
    IXYPIX23's Interests:

    About Me: i am a terrifying oger who will eat your soul, wear your kin as a sit, and ake you're inerds for breafast. GRR

    Interests: musicals long walks on the beach and slow dancing music *Barf!*

    Favorite Music: all that is music

    Favorite Movies: WHAT DREAMS MAY COME, lADYHAWK,Labyrinth, The Goast and the darkness. just to name a few

    Favorite Books: all