Queenie's Journal

Nov 2006
1:35 AM EDT

I think I sit here everyday and wonder, why everyone cares about what everyone thinks. Even the most confedent people think something bad about their own person. Yet those are the same people that tell you to that you can't love anyone without loveing yourself first and are so hypacritical it makes me sick.
5 comment(s) - 04:32 PM - 05/10/2008
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Nov 2006
12:56 AM EDT

You know what I am so excited. A good friend of mine that I havn't seen in forever is comeing to see me next week!! WOOHOOO!! i can't wait !
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Nov 2006
11:44 PM EDT

Today was a hazy day to tell the truth . I didn't think that it would be as laid back as it was.....
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Nov 2006
12:28 AM EDT

I always have to deal my dad treating me like I am still 9 years old. I wish that he would relize that that was 11 years ago. Everytime I see him he tries to tell me how to run my life. I understand trying to give me advise , but thats not what it is when it comes out of his mouth. It's nothing but disapointment when I hear words like " you can't do this" or " you shouldn't do that"!!!! come on now I am grown . I live on my own and I pay my own bill. How do I get it through his head that I can make my own desisions ? How can I make him understand That I am not a little girl anymore?
1 comment(s) - 07:11 PM - 11/13/2006
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Nov 2006
9:47 AM EDT

all I have to say is "keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer."
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Nov 2006
3:45 AM EDT

My finest moment would be the day that my fionce asked me to marry him. A challenge that I have overcome is the fact that I have been sober off of crystal meth for 4 years this thanksgiving....!
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Nov 2006
12:06 AM EDT

I know I sit here sometimes and complain about how life is going . But could you imagin living your life struggling since the day you where born . I can't stand it any longer . I try so hard to get where I am going . I try to be a good sport . I know that you have to take it one day at a time . But damn. I am tired. I want someone to take care of me for a change . I am ready to be comfortable . I am ready to finally have some cushion. I want to live my life and be happy . I know there is always going to be one thing that goes wrong , but for my whole life everything has all hit me at the same moment. Am I bad person for feeling this way? Am I selfish? And If I am selfish..... is it bad to be ?
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Nov 2006
11:35 AM EDT

No one listens to the other person when your inthe heat of an arguement . People are to worried what they have to say isn't going to be heard. Thats why the argument starts in the first place. DO you think if people listened to one anouther we would actually have a good arguement lol
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Nov 2006
2:21 AM EDT

Everyone is talking about how they're life is not exciting for them , nor anyone else who might read about it or want to hear about it. I that's because they read about how bad or how lucky someone else is in the past few years that they have expereinced. Well from someone who has never had the chance to be boring .... Everyones life is exciting to me . One reason only . I never had the chance to be a kid or be bored . I had to work all the time , and I had to fight to be alive today. I could only image the relief it must be to , have a good nights sleep, or to know that tomorrow you are safe where you are because you are seddled. I'm not trying to shoot anyone down for being boring or thinking that they are . That is their personal oppinion . But life is what you make of it . Not what someone else bring s to the table . "Life is not a game you simpley win or lose. Life is a map laid out, to follow if you choose."
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Nov 2006
12:07 PM EDT

Anyone can live a life that is writen out for them . IT takes a true indavidual to follow your dreams and plan your life out with out the help of others . Live your life , don't let anyone else live it for you !!
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Nov 2006
11:40 PM EDT

I sat and talk to my friend Nick yesterday. It was really wierd because I haven't talked to him in ages.The wierd thing about it is that we are still friends after all the drama with my ex. See he is my ex's bestfriend .... or at least used to be , before he started acting like an idiot . He was talking to me about why I left his bestfriend and everything and relized that I was in the right when I broke it off. He never knew about the other side of the story untill yesterday. It was tottaly cool that he was willing to listen to everything that I had to say. That made are friendship even stronger . It makes me happy that I have one true friend that still knows what friendship is all about .
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Nov 2006
2:45 AM EDT

I got memories brought up today about my past. It hurt so much to remember them. I try to put them behind me , but when you get into those wierd conversations with a good friend or family member it's kinda hard not look back on what you used to be like , or all the things that you have gone through, through out your life. I could only imagine if I would have never met my fionce . I would be liveing the same life i was liveing 3 years ago.He saved me from myself. In way I was begging him to through my actions. I don't think that I would have anywhere to go . I don't think that I would have stepped up to do what I would have to do. Right now I look at all these people that are trying to be better than everyone else instead of just relizing that they can seddle for equality. Just because something had gone wrong in there life doesn't mean that they were better off or worse off than anyone else. Like my sister in laws so called bestfriend. She is the biggest bullshiter that I have ever met . She is one of the many that I have met that couldn't leave the past where it belonged and that is the past . She deppresses my sister in law so much that it reminds her of what she has gone through in life because her so called friend brings her to drink every fighting chance . Then it gets me to remember where I was not to long ago and it makes me unhappy to bring it up all over again . why can't some people just leave well enough alone .
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Nov 2006
2:13 AM EDT

You life has been a hard trial for me . I lived on the poor side my whole life. I have had job since I was 13. I have supported my family with no experience . I have been beaten , I have been raped, I have been to jail, I have been driven to the ground , but you know what ... I came back on top . I am now 19 years old. I am a ged graduate and I am going to school and work a full time job. Life has tought me never to give it . No matter how rough the road maybe ahead of you. I learned that if you stive and work hard you will come out where you want to be . I am nothing special. Just an ordinary white girl that wants a life that her parents couldn't provide . Because I took the time to relize my mistakes ... I have come to the relisation to never give up. If i made it through drugs and made it through the streets , to live to day with the man that i love and respects me andto be sober off of crystal meth for 4 years and to be a college student at owen community college. Then you know what I am not willing to change my past but to move forward and to be thankfull that god let me live long enough to relize I am strong enough to make it on my own . I'm not saying and make the mistakes that I have made, I am telling you if you really want something and it means that much to you. Then go get it. Don't let anything stand in your way . If makes you happy then good for you. Your makin me proud . Wheather I know you or not . Anyone can steal what they want , but it takes a true person to stand up and work for it .
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Nov 2006
9:54 AM EDT

I don't expect anything from anyone. Why set standereds from people that don't even know you. Now if you asked what I expect out of myself thats a diffrent story....but to answer your question. I don't expect anything out of anyone .
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Nov 2006
12:07 PM EDT

You know what. I don't see why everyone thinks that they can be the judge of weather or not someone knows who they are and what they want out of life. That is up to the person that lives that life , wouldn't you think. I am so tired of people saying ... your gonna go to hellif you act this way or treat people that way. I am so tired of hearing people say that person is imature or can live on their own. Who died and left them king gondie really i want to know, because last time i checked ,,,,, god and I were the only ones that could just what i do with my life not anyone else.
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Oct 2006
4:28 PM EDT

I define love as in something that is not explainable. Someone that goes and gets roses for no reason at all. Someone who just gives you a hug, because they think you look so cute when you sick. Or someone who just sits there with youjust because.Someonethat you can sleep next to everynight and then wake and fall in love with them all over again. Thats love to me .
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Oct 2006
10:32 AM EDT

I don't care to be accepted by anyone. I don't expect it if people don't acceptme then thats fine they don't have to talk to me or hangout with me . I have the ones in my life that I love . I don't have to put up with drama and highschool bull... I'm over it . Have been since sophmore year.
1 comment(s) - 10:12 PM - 10/31/2006
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Oct 2006
8:13 AM EDT

YOu lastnight was pretty crazy. I had to go to a family reunion . ONe that i have to go to every last sat. of the month. So yah . IT was pretty fun untill everyone started getting drunk and loud. Do you ever feel like you don't fit in with your family . Because thats how I feel. I know they love me , but it seems like I have to fight for them to like me ..........
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Oct 2006
6:50 AM EDT

The best thing in my life that i have ever done is say yes to my fionce. HE"S THE BEST!!!
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Oct 2006
12:45 PM EDT

I don't know what people really gain from being my friend except the fact that they have a good friend. I am always willing to listen and willing to sit by your side through good and bad . No matter what .
1 comment(s) - 06:45 PM - 10/27/2006
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Queenie's Profile

  • Username: Queenie
  • Gender / Age: Female, 38
  • Location: USA - Ohio
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    QUEENIE's Interests:

    About Me: I am 19 years old . A confuseing time in my life, but way better than my teen years. I have a fionce he is 24 , and the best guy in the world . He is more than my lover he is my bestfriend. Other than that I am pretty out going and easy to talk to .... I love wrtieting poetry and setting examples for my goddaughter and friends . I love to settle down with a good book.

    Interests: I like to read , skateboard , listen to music and hangout with friends family and my Fionce!! I love to scrapbook and enjoy nice quiet nights at home . I also like to write my feelings out and make new friends. I think that is everyone though lol.

    Favorite Music: Anything that has a good beat to it .

    Favorite Movies: God where do i begin , Constintine, The Marine, Jarhead, Phat Girls, Rv, Grease 1 and 2 , All disney movies, Alien VS Preditor, Passefier, 13, oh god i could go on forever lol I love movies!!!

    Favorite Television: Dog the bounty Hunter, Laguna Beach, Hogan Knows Best, Mory, anthing that keeps me entertained lol

    Favorite Books: Inkheart by Cornella Funke, Summer Sisters by Judy Blume and alot more.....

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