I guess everything is changing, and I dunno what I think about any of this. I feel betrayed by friends, and a lot of things are frustrated me. I guess becoming close with new people, cause the old ones to start drifting.. I can't really write much on here, I feel like I can't even trust a personal website, where you're suppose to write everything. I feel like not many people can be trusted anymore, and let alone something like this. It is so annoying how shitty and low people will go, just for someone else. I guess this isn't even entirely about me, well actually very little of it is. I see one of my new really close friends, constantly being betrayed by a lot of people, and I relized how shitty people are now of days. How they will do anything, just to make them feel superior, when really it makes you shittier then the person before you. So many people are like this now, so many people suck at being a good friends, and good friends seem really impossible to find. I am so glad, that I now keep my guard up a lot more then I use to. I don't know what I would do, if every day passed and I had to worry about someone betraying me. It doesn't seem to matter how close you are anymore, because everyone seems to just love to do it, and its happened more then it should have to me in the past.
It feels like love is just another form of suicide. my friend wrote that on a desk in science class and other girls responded. LOVE IS JUST A WASTE IF U DONT EVEN HAVE A BOYFRIEND.....when will i ever get a boyfriend who understnads me and cares about me....i cant even wear make-up till im 16! or even date! So i think guys are wasted on me...
Hello all.
Omg today was okay. I made the migits team i know that sounds wierd and everything but idc. I have my first practice tommrow at 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. yea me !!! i have so got to go i am way to freaking excited. peace out
Well I'm enrolled in school & my 1st day was scary, exciting, and my start to a positive 2008. My class ended early 6:30 & my mother didn't come pick me up until 8:47pm. I was pissed and then if shit couldn't get any better we got a flat tire down the street from the school. My ass hole poor excuse for a man dad was trying to tell my mother to deal with it on her own instead of being a man & coming right away to get us. These are the reason the hate in my blood for him runs so thick. Gratefully the tow truck came in less then a half hour. I'm home now feeling good still that I'm in school. Can't wait until tomorrow. Class is from 6:30 to 9:25pm. I seen one cute black dude well dressed to but I'm not interested I'm focused. One black dude tried to get at me. He cool much older then me but he is not my type at all. Not many black people out in mequon but I see some girls who may be cool to get to know. This should go well. Looking forward to the growing experience that this will bring.
已經有一段時間沒有再寫日誌, 雖然我知道它的功效, 但一直以來我也沒有這份毅力, 這不正是我的性格嗎 ? 做事沒有恆心, 三分鐘熱度.�
說說近況吧, 去年年底,我已經接受浸禮,正式成為教會的一份子,也開始了新的事奉崗位.剛剛過去的3月, 我和舊中學同學去了張家界鳳山市自助旅行,這是我第一次在中國的自助旅行,過程也有喜有悲.
而最近的這兩個星期, 情緒不是十分隱定, 常常會有負面思想, 樣樣事都提不起勁, 我知道這樣下去不是辨法, 但又可以怎麼辦?我己經很努力地學習改變,學習積極思想,學習與負面思想抗衡,但羅馬不是一天可以建成,我需要忍耐, 期望未來可以更好.
THERE ARE THESE BOYS, David ,Terrelle, Brian, and Khyan.
They are some of theboys that like me that it gets to the point