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VyVy's Journal
Aug 2007
8:12 AM PDT
My "finest moment" was when i was with my friends, that's it, until a couple months ago!!! When i first came to U.S, i didn't have any friends and did not understand the language, it was when i met T. She helped me with a lot of things and i thought we were good friends. When i brought her home to introduce to my mom, mom told me that she thinks T. wasn't a good friend and i should keep a distance from her, but i didn't believe my mom. I thought she was just being overprotective like most of the parents do. Then, we went on to the next school year, we met a whole lots of new friends and made it our small army. At first, everyone talked to me, asked me for advices, said they couldn't do without me, etc..... Then, T. took over. She was now the center of everything. She shanged from a serious person to the kind always acted dumb enough for people to think that she's cool!! I was okay with that. I mean, i never really care about being the center of anything. All i ever care was that i don't want to be left-out. Then, after T. changed, i made friend with another girl, H. At first, i thought she was a good friend, but she'd proved me wrong, but i was stupid enough to believes that she'll change for me because i was a good friend to her and eventually she'll notice that. But no, she betrayed me lots and lots of time. Then, as our freshman year was about to end, everything broke out. T. led her little group of friends into bullying me and H. was the one who passed her all the information about me at the time when i thought she'd stick by me. After i'd found out the truth, i felt like a biggest fool of the world. Betrayed by my own best-friends, left with miserable and grieves. Throughout everything, i've learned not to trust anyone anymore. I'd poured out my own heart to them, but what did i get in return? BETRAYALS!!! Now, my "finest moment" has become my "saddest experience"
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VyVy's Profile
Gender / Age:
Female, 33
USA - California
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There's not much about me, really!!! I'm just your regular High School student and nothing more!!!
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It'll take me probably a whole day to write it out!!