kabamori's Journal

Sep 2007
11:18 PM EDT

the resource natural verse recycling
the new technology is pride to prove to the world, they are working so hard to help the world with the new tech.now my concern is about africa future and about his resource natural,the evolution is moving so fast that we don"t know how fast it's will go.my question is this: recycling and resource natural between this two whose going to be the big loser, as the evolution move forward what going to happen to the resource natural africa .the world is opening to recycling now.
you can answer this question:

1: why africa remain undevelop?

2: is the poverty was plent in africa?

3: what is the cause of poverty in africa?

4: whose we will blame for africa poverty?

5: colonization is over,why now africa don't progress?

6: the development of africa is the resource natural or is the ideology?

Sep 2007
1:25 AM EDT

nobody is small ,but they make themselves small by jealousy and hate.

Sep 2007
1:22 AM EDT

everlasting perfect ,is not for this world.

Sep 2007
1:16 AM EDT


Aug 2007
12:07 AM EDT

unicef : sometime we do some wrong advertisement ,that go against one color.
Tags: unicef

Aug 2007
2:12 AM EDT

'as far i know: immigration is some thing, i think people take to be crime,for me i don't thinks so, because immigration is history ,that started long time go, when you see people migrating ,because where he come from there is not too good to stay. their people don't choice migration because they want to move to another country ,no because they are not felling good where they live before, exp: no food , no cloth; no work, they move seek better life somewhere else

Aug 2007
1:28 AM EDT

éminent linguiste et spécialiste reconnu de la langue française, révèle et explique chaque jour une curiosité verbale : que la lumière soit faite sur l'origine opaque des mots et expressions de la langue de Racine ! Quant aux accords pièges et aux orthographes étranges, le
Tags: bon

kabamori's Profile

  • Username: kabamori
  • Gender / Age: Male, 85
  • Location: France
    KABAMORI's Interests:

    Interests: good friends

    Favorite Music: slow

    Favorite Movies: real live story

    Favorite Television: news

    Favorite Books: science book