jazzsoulp's Journal

Feb 2007
7:21 PM EST

We have heard these same proposals from our so-called committed pre-elects of the past and on getting into office suffer from instant Amnesia. Over and over again, four years at a time, Nigerians believe in our Government but our Government disappoints. I remincse on the days when Lagos was such a beautiful city. It was safe for we true born and bred Lagosians to go and celebrate in the heart of Lagos, Isa le Eko during social events such as the "Eyo festival". I remember my Dad taking us once and we had to take off our shoes or be punished by the Men In Masks. If I tell my dad today that I want to go to such an event, he will raise his eyebrows and forbid me just because we know how unsafe Lagos has become. Students abroad are re-thinking moving back to the states just because of NON-SECURITY. If my brothers who are graduates of the University of Lagos have no job security why would I want to even risk coming back home and being jobless. Well, Lagos is my home and I will not shy away because of trials that I know I will have to undergo, but how many other have such strong-will towards thier native land. Is it realy about reconstructing and smoothing out the cracks or is it about money. As a matter of figures Our current President has shown us that money is sooo Abachas regime, but now it's more about POWER. Once the power is yours what becomes of your previous judgements and promises and ambibtions. Give me a reason other than what I want to hear to vote for you. Every vote counts so If you are willing to lay your dignity and pride and integrity down on the line to make my hometown a safer, healthier and secure place for my unborn children, then you have my vote. And you deserve it.
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jazzsoulp's Profile

  • Username: jazzsoulp
  • Gender / Age: Female, 40
  • Location: USA - Rhode Island
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    JAZZSOULP's Interests:

    About Me: I was born with an old soul. I am as real as real gets. I avoid wahala (trouble)!

    Interests: Soccer, Good Music, Making Music, Writing Poetry n Music, Travelling, Cooking.

    Favorite Music: Soul, Afrobeat, Jazz, R n B, Old school hip hop.

    Favorite Movies: Err...Hotel Rwanda, Tsotsi, Bed Knobs n Broom Sticks, 7 Lucky kids, Smoking Aces, RENT!!!

    Favorite Television: Grey's Anatomy, King of Queens

    Favorite Books: Organic Chemistry Text

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