jazzsoulp's Journal
Feb 2007
3:51 PM EST
Sunday Morning...I called DK right after we got back from the club cos i was still buzzed..."just call to say I love you, ok...Goodnight"...AM sure he thot I was trying to get back at him for his own friday night escapades...not really tho...i was really just missing him...I love that Boy, u know. We went to bed, and DB woke up with skin irritations on her back. ALLERGIES...like da heck...allergic to what I wonder...Well, since my mums a nurse, I already told her what it could be and what she needed for it..My mum reinforced all i said, so i felt good that i actually knew wat i was chatting about. Well, I rub some ointment on her back after church....I digress...BREAKING NEWS...Our daddy is going to be a baby Daddy...Not one child...TWINS...The Hell???...How...Anyway, DY was outta town and his ex comes to church showing the whole congragation and thier mama's her 4 month swollen stomach...it was crazy...i was upset tho, being that DY,DB,Queen B n I are pretty close, and DY n DB almost hooked up because DY loved DB at some point...We dint know how to react until we heard from him...We'll wait till we see him to know how to feel...Goodnight
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Female, 40
USA - Rhode Island
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JAZZSOULP's Interests:
About Me:
I was born with an old soul. I am as real as real gets. I avoid wahala (trouble)!
Soccer, Good Music, Making Music, Writing Poetry n Music, Travelling, Cooking.
Favorite Music:
Soul, Afrobeat, Jazz, R n B, Old school hip hop.
Favorite Movies:
Err...Hotel Rwanda, Tsotsi, Bed Knobs n Broom Sticks, 7 Lucky kids, Smoking Aces, RENT!!!
Favorite Television:
Grey's Anatomy, King of Queens
Favorite Books:
Organic Chemistry Text
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