jazzsoulp's Journal

Feb 2007
6:47 PM EST

I'm down with something...Dont care much about anything or anything...I need you by my side to make it better, to make it alright....SIGH...Talked to you today cos you wanted to hear my voice but is it a necessity. I Love you...Good Night
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jazzsoulp's Profile

  • Username: jazzsoulp
  • Gender / Age: Female, 40
  • Location: USA - Rhode Island
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    JAZZSOULP's Interests:

    About Me: I was born with an old soul. I am as real as real gets. I avoid wahala (trouble)!

    Interests: Soccer, Good Music, Making Music, Writing Poetry n Music, Travelling, Cooking.

    Favorite Music: Soul, Afrobeat, Jazz, R n B, Old school hip hop.

    Favorite Movies: Err...Hotel Rwanda, Tsotsi, Bed Knobs n Broom Sticks, 7 Lucky kids, Smoking Aces, RENT!!!

    Favorite Television: Grey's Anatomy, King of Queens

    Favorite Books: Organic Chemistry Text

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