jazzsoulp's Journal

Feb 2007
3:49 PM EST

Today....I woke up at 11...looked for schools to apply to and applied to UNiversity of Houston...deadline March 1st...God help me..I have to take the GRE's soon...external exams are not my forte..O well....I guess I have to do what I have to!...Me n DB went to drop of her car at the dealership cos her door was bad...The shuttle took us to the mall down the street and never came back for us untill about 4hours later...crappy service mehn. So we were both hungry and couldnt wait for the car...Barned n Nobles was too cold so we left after freezing there for three hours...we walked in the damn cold to Chilis...crazy...we ordered our food and the dealrship calls that the car is ready and thy'd found the shuttle driver...great timing ey?...DB went with him while I devoured my food. She's gone to swimming class now, so am here alone....DK called me earlier today,...apparently Nigeria and Ghana were playing...I've decided to hold my emotions in and quit this whole public romance thing I had going on..I used to be tuff u know...Now my bestfrend tells me she's proud cos i've let go...Bu it's about to be back on..NO more Mrs. Soft guy...heheheehehehe...Hi, Hello, How was your day, good bye..straight to the point...No more random calls a night or the wee hours of the morning...cos i think he's taking the piss....plus it's almost Valentines day,...Isn't that when couples fight to avoid giving each other gifts???..lol...I couldn't even if I wanted too...O well,...BUt it's only for a while....I'll get back to smuthering him with affection sometime this year....YAH!!!
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jazzsoulp's Profile

  • Username: jazzsoulp
  • Gender / Age: Female, 40
  • Location: USA - Rhode Island
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    JAZZSOULP's Interests:

    About Me: I was born with an old soul. I am as real as real gets. I avoid wahala (trouble)!

    Interests: Soccer, Good Music, Making Music, Writing Poetry n Music, Travelling, Cooking.

    Favorite Music: Soul, Afrobeat, Jazz, R n B, Old school hip hop.

    Favorite Movies: Err...Hotel Rwanda, Tsotsi, Bed Knobs n Broom Sticks, 7 Lucky kids, Smoking Aces, RENT!!!

    Favorite Television: Grey's Anatomy, King of Queens

    Favorite Books: Organic Chemistry Text

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