jazzsoulp's Journal

Feb 2007
7:44 PM EST

Friday...DB was mad cos she said she told me to take her to the airport and I said yes but took a sitting job afterwards...Not going to say much on that...she'll be aight...I'm not the only roach in her closet,...ya dig...she just likes to depend on me a lot...I called her needy the other day, and she wanted to die...hehehe...I dint mean it in a bad way, it's just that she's such a chik and am a tomboy so all that girly stuff irks me. She's my dawg tho. Anyway, shes in Boston at the moment having a freezing blast...lol. I love the weather here...it's mild winter. I was at work...well, not my real job sha, from 8-4 today so I made some money...yayyy. I made some beats with the loops software...Oh My...I've got talent if I must say so myself. And i have a rap that would go nicely with it...just need a chorus n hook,...but watever,..it's all fun. called my mum b4 bed...I miss her a lot too, just as much as DK,...so I guess I love 2 of them the most,...just my mum more. I'm used to not talking to the twins which is bad...we're still so close tho, but they are not good with the long distance thing even though I'm thier only sister...well, that they know of anyway...hehehe..."I trust you Daddy" ;) . I miss my pops..I guess I'm daddys little more like big girl now. He just makes me feel so special...DK's got some measuring up to do...so heavy competition...:) I Miss my grandma...I feel rejuvinated when she prays in Yoruba for me...shes great, God-fearing, Loving, Kind....and lots more...I want to be the kind of wife and mother she is. I MISS MY DOGS...Skyler, Romeo, Roger, JAX, and the baby Sasha....shes the baby but the biggest...how Ironic life can be atimes. I love my dogs..I love dogs period. This is the text i sent to DK tonight/morning.............."I know u're Undecided bout ur admission but I'm still really proud of u. Ur sexyness just went 5 points up, so Goodnight...I have to go dream about kissing you now...Bye Babe".....hehehehe....yes,....I do love a Man who is dedicated and sticks even though things get rough and times get hard...Even though all seems hopeless, again it is a test of faith. Believe in God. O Yes, I do adore a Man that knows the right thing to do and despite the pressure he might be under, makes the right decision and does the right thing. He might stray at times, but he kneels down and asks the lord for guidiance and tip-toes until he finds his way back to thte yellow brick road. You are motivated to better yourself, thereby motivating me to be a better woman. We have the same ambitions and similar goals, it might take you longer to attain yours due to prior mistakes and mishaps but I will stay by ur side and speak words of encouragement until you are able to stand tall on your own again, and even then I will not leave you but remain by yur side. We will go to all 7 continents that the Lord put on this earth for us to explore. We'll have a taste of Greek, Brazilian, Hong-Kong, and the likes. We'll see sights and hear the sounds of the beauty of Africa. We'll do this together... For Yes ,I Love the Man.
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jazzsoulp's Profile

  • Username: jazzsoulp
  • Gender / Age: Female, 40
  • Location: USA - Rhode Island
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    JAZZSOULP's Interests:

    About Me: I was born with an old soul. I am as real as real gets. I avoid wahala (trouble)!

    Interests: Soccer, Good Music, Making Music, Writing Poetry n Music, Travelling, Cooking.

    Favorite Music: Soul, Afrobeat, Jazz, R n B, Old school hip hop.

    Favorite Movies: Err...Hotel Rwanda, Tsotsi, Bed Knobs n Broom Sticks, 7 Lucky kids, Smoking Aces, RENT!!!

    Favorite Television: Grey's Anatomy, King of Queens

    Favorite Books: Organic Chemistry Text

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