jazzsoulp's Journal
Feb 2007
4:06 PM EST
I finally got my GRE book...I learnt about 30 words in one day...and i think am done for life...So, we went to Queen B's to meet up with our daddy...DY...To have a family discussion about the unborn twins...I sent him a text saying I needed to give him a hug, but it was for Me..lol...DY's so cool..I love him like he were my mothers child. So, Queen B wasn't back from work and me n DB were waiting patiently for him to come, so he came, and it was like he couldn't look at us at first...It was understandable!!!...Well, we bounced princess O to the room so we could talk..and he started....WOW..It was a lenghty but healthy conversation. I got my hug from him. Then he said it was DB's fault cos he tried to toast her....OMG...I almost died when he said dat...I literally ran into the cold with no shoes and no jacket on cos we'd all been joking about it, and he finally confirmed it. So QB returned from work and DY told her dat he couldn't tell us cos he couldn't deal with it...The rest got their own hugs from him...Queen B cooked and we were a happy family again...We made fun about how when we go on road trips this time around, we have to rent SUV's with two baby car seats at the back, and when at the hotel, we cant share beds anymore cos 'THE BOY'S' have to sleep comfortably and we will all take 4 hour shifts at nigth....hahahahahaha...Our family is so cool and suportive...I'm gonna buy him diapers and baby food once a month for a while...cos he's DY, you know...And his baby mama who is omo Ghana hates us cos we are so close to him...Well, she can eat do-do for all i care..As long as she takes care of herself and delivers our homeboys kids safely...The babe claims she used birht-control pills...First of all,...it's all so dodgy bcos we know she's been trying to get DY to propose but he already told her he cant marry cos he cant maryy for pity...he wants to do it for love...thats why they broke up in the first place...I hate that chik right now...I believe she trapped him...It sucks mahn...we need to control our urges...Thank GOd am celebate...Dats right y'all,...I AM CELEBATE TILL I JUMP THE BROOM!!!....hehehehhe...Think am crazy yet?...Peace.
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Gender / Age:
Female, 40
USA - Rhode Island
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JAZZSOULP's Interests:
About Me:
I was born with an old soul. I am as real as real gets. I avoid wahala (trouble)!
Soccer, Good Music, Making Music, Writing Poetry n Music, Travelling, Cooking.
Favorite Music:
Soul, Afrobeat, Jazz, R n B, Old school hip hop.
Favorite Movies:
Err...Hotel Rwanda, Tsotsi, Bed Knobs n Broom Sticks, 7 Lucky kids, Smoking Aces, RENT!!!
Favorite Television:
Grey's Anatomy, King of Queens
Favorite Books:
Organic Chemistry Text
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