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    icecream  29, Female, California, USA - First entry!
Oct 2006
6:12 PM EDT

There's this boy that I like, and I told only 1 of my friends. And then my other friend found out who I like and she told him! I asked her and she said "I swere on the Holy Bible that I don't even know him."
1 comment(s) - 09:38 PM - 10/12/2006
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    Bootsi  34, Male, Oregon, USA - First entry!
Oct 2006
4:40 PM EDT

So I just joined and have no clue what to do. Oh well! ::shrug::
1 comment(s) - 09:39 AM - 12/09/2006
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    amy  56, Female, Ohio, USA - 2 entries
Oct 2006
7:30 AM EDT

I haven't called ron yet today, he is probably wondering what is going on. Maybe not. But I really don't want to call him with Kelly at my side.. How uncomfortable. Pressure, I am underpressure, to just turn on a dime. I am under pressure to be the righteous one again. And now it's like I have an illness. I really don't know how to explain it, but to say that I am tired of the impatience of the people around me, but then again I have been hurtful. I am trapped in my own little world. It's very tiring. I go to counseling today at 2pm. I don't really want to go to cedarcreek anymore, they prayed that God would take Ron home.... unbelievable. I want to call him and tell him what they prayed but I am afraid. An airplane flew into a building. two blocks from Angie's apartment. How freaky. That scared me to no end. It was way too close.
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    unique-freak  36, Female, United Kingdom - 2 entries
Oct 2006
3:01 AM EDT

i keep wonderin if this lonely feelin will eva disappear. i keep feelin like no1 really cares bt then i feel guilty for thinkin it.
3 comment(s) - 05:42 AM - 10/19/2006
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    Mercedez  35, Female, Michigan, USA - 4 entries
Oct 2006
1:30 AM EDT

Hey well I did not lose my friend she stayed here and we are doing so well now. We talked about our problems and now she has no problem with me likeing this guy. I am so happy and now we've become even more trustworthy of eachother we talk about everything and we plan on going to eachothers graduation and stand up in eachothers weddings. We are so close its almost like we're twin sisters but Im a year older then her but that doesnt matter she is like my little sister and I care about her like she really is my sister.
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    qtpie1991  33, Female, Arkansas, USA - 2 entries
Oct 2006
12:17 AM EDT

my boyfriend is in the army and he's eighteen yrs old. he's cute and we make a cute couple but when i bring one of my friends with me and my boyfriend he'll make remarks to her that are hurtful to me because it seems he's flurting with my best friend! i need help. and how do i tell he's cheating?
1 comment(s) - 01:49 PM - 10/18/2006
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    Scandalous05  38, Female, Arkansas, USA - 3 entries
Oct 2006
8:35 PM EDT

what the hell is going on, i swear, where should i start, okay so i'm driving home from canal street with my two of my best girlfriends last thursday and bam this f***ing b**** slams into the back of my ass, i wanted to beat her ass i was soooooo fucking angry she fucked up my car......( i can write and talk without cursing i'm just mad).. and then my boyfriend all of a sudden says he is gettin kicked out of where he lives and his only place of refuge is at his babymoms house,WHAT!!!!! u see ....... yeah so u tell me ~Scandalous.........................................
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    StupidGirl20  36, Female, California, USA - First entry!
Oct 2006
5:55 PM PST

Im new here, and totally lost.
1 comment(s) - 05:36 AM - 10/12/2006
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    Dudley08  32, Female, Canada - First entry!
Oct 2006
1:06 PM EDT

Heyy everyone. Well today was pretty boring. I got mad at my sisters today bc they were being idiots. This weekend I had a friend over and I got to talk to all my friends. weekend my parents are going to wedding and I only have a 4 day week at school:)
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    coreysgirl  34, Female, Georgia, USA - First entry!
Oct 2006
4:01 PM EDT

Hey this is the first time i've ever done this but ok. I'm new to this. Well,...i really love my fiancee. he is the greates guy in the world. without him i don't know what i would do. he's been in basic for a while and its been a week or so since i've heard from him. is it normal to have your brain think things that you know aren't true? see what i mean is i know he loves me and that he's not going to leave me but still sometimes since i've watched so much stupid tv that my brain starts to thiink opposite of that. i guess that would be normal...right? oh well. the good news is i see him next month. YEAH!!! i get to go up there with his parents on family day and i get to see him graduate! i'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy!!! I miss him so much. whenever my emotions overwhelm me people say not to worry but when i'm like that its kinda hard to do. i'm just worried for his safety. i can't wait to see him.
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