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Nanda's Journal
Aug 2007
11:15 PM EET
Today was not so much of a hectic day.
I was at Starbucks by 8 in the morning! So imagine how early I woke up! Anyway, the manager was very nice. He needs a copy of all my papers (once again) and so I need to go back tomorrow. I think I go back there once more and I'll kill someone...lol! I feel like such a loser going there everyday! I swear :P
The day was very hot! It was 32 degrees and I got a huge headache half way through the day which hasn't gone away -_- I read in the terrace while I read a little...I think I might've gotten a bit of a tan! haha. The girls' came over for lunch today! It was great. Karin fell asleep in my bed for about two hours -_- lmao.
I also spoke to my parents today! :) They're so cute. I swear I miss them so much!! I can't wait till I see them in December and get pampered by my maid and grandma, mummy and daddy! hehehe.
Filip comes home in 4 days. Waiting seems eternal :(
Anyway, Im gonna go wash the dishes from dinner and then try to get some sleep. I need to rest since I think tomorrow I'll probably be going out to a bar or something and I have to wake up early the next day since I have class.
Oh, I just downloaded a bunch of M2M songs, I was feeling nostalgic! haha
Photo: Consuelo and I at the Fetes de Geneve!
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Aug 2007
12:45 AM EET
Woah! I was suposed to go to class today, but unfortunately I had to go to Starbucks to check how everything was going with the job and didn't have time to go to class.
I arrived and the manager kept me waiting for almost an hour since he was in a meeting -_-
He signed my permit and said to go to the office so they could take little time and see if I could get it faster ( a usual permit takes about 2 months)
Things seem quite positive! He made the effort of signing everything since he really wanted me to take the job. Anyway, I ran out of there and went to Cornavin to take a passport picture (someone had left 4 francs in the machine, so I only had to pay 5! YAY!!) And went to the population office of Geneve.
The bus ride was SO LONG! and when i arrived it was full of people!! I flirted with the guy like mad and told him my boss needed me to start working the 15th of September..and apparently it worked! He said I should get a notice soon, and I should be able to work by then, if not...I could go back and speak to them again.
Apparently this is all easier since I have my Swedish nationality, I doubt with my chilean one they would've been so kind! -_-
I came home exhausted, bumped into Laura and the british girl on my way home (they were just getting out of class! lol), went to the supermarket, came home...and PASSED OUT for about 2 hours. I dont really know how, but I woke up at around 5 with an sms from Filip.
OH! Did I mention I bought MAKE UP TODAY? Thank god! I was seriously running out of powder, it was getting quite sad -_-
I wentto have tea at Consuelo's house just a litle while ago and she lend me a movie called ETERNAL SUNSHINE. I only watched the beginning of it, so I really wanna watch it. Apparently its good...I think I might watch it with Filip when he comes home!
Which btw...HE COMES HOME ON SUNDAY!!!! It seems so long from now :( I can't believe its only tuesday, this week has been ETERNAAAAAAAAAAL!
Anyway, I can't go out today, im way too tired and I have to go back to starbucks at 8 in the morning to give a copy of my permit papers! And I HAVE to make it to class, Ive already missed two classes....so I can't miss anymore!
Well, I'm off to go to sleep! Im very tired and tomorrow will be a LONG DAY!
Oh, the weather was GREAT TODAY! A bit too hot maybe? On the tram ride I was dying with the heat and everyones nasty sweat-smell -_- YUCK!
Photo: Karin, Chris and I at the park on Sunday. We ate Chilean food and had icecream! Very pretty afternoon at the park :)
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Aug 2007
7:21 PM EET
Yes! This is my first entry. I'm quite proud of myself. I finally decided to make myself a journal; I'd been thinking about it FOREVER!
Anyway, this weekend was crazy! I was pretty much out the whole time. We went to Java on Friday and on Saturday we went to watch the Fireworks! We got VIP entrance in this bar. It was extremely nice.
Last night we went out again (yes, sunday!) and a policeman (which happened to be very hot) asked for out phone numbers! Haha, unbelievable I swear. Also the guy who worked at the Churros stand gave me free churros and a man passing by gave us roses! Men are odd...
I definatly had too many guys harassing me this weekend. The australian guy keeps on harassing me! He like won't stop. I don't really mind, he's EXTREMELY hot. But he's a bit of a man-slut. Ew!
Well apart from the crazy man harassment and overload of alcohol my weekend was AMAZING!
Today I had class at 9, I really have no idea how I got up. I'm so freaking tired from partying, haha. I'm so tired that I decided that today I'd stay home. Yes I know its a monday...but its the only day I seem to have PARTY-FREE! :P
I'm a little worried they haven't called me from Starbucks for the job. Has Christian not given in my CV and stuff? Hm. I think I should probably go tomorrow. Yes, I think I'll do that. Ah! These things really scare me to death. Plus, Ill have to go at 8 a.m which means I'll have to get up at like fkn 5 since I have to go out jogging. God dammit.
Ok I'm gonna go be useful and wash the dishes.
p.s: thats karin, consuelo, and my legs on Saturday night. Haha (left to right)
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