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    Due7  33, Female, Canada - 2 entries
Aug 2006
11:06 AM PDT

Today I woke up at 8:00 in the morning!teenagers need their sleep! Then After waking up that early,I had to walk uptown to go to work! Why oh why did I choose this type of job that causes me stress from no getting sleep!If you hate waking up early leave a note.
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    CrAzYbItCh  37, Female, USA - First entry!
Aug 2006
12:15 PM EDT

it is crazy how life and love works. i just don't know anymore. i have loved and gave ppl my whole heart and i have been the one crying in the end. but not anymore. i hav finally ound my break. i can just beme and be loved for that and it is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
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    mermaid  52, Female, Fiji Islands - 5 entries
Aug 2006
1:44 AM ACST

surfer. witch. poet. artist. ... blogger
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    PurpleSquishy  36, Female, USA - 16 entries
Aug 2006
1:27 AM EDT

Girl I've been in love many times before So many time it left me so broken hearted, So I turned my back on love And then you turned it all around (Much to my surprise, girl I cannot lie) Baby it's you that made me realize That love was all I ever really wanted And now I'm thinking that I never really felt it Baby it's you, couldn't ask for nothing more Girl it's you that I adore And there's nothing that could change the way I feel I'm in it for the long run, I wanna be here with you forever And only you can make me feel like I do I wouldn't trade this for the world Can't believe you're my girl Say you'll stay happily ever after... And ever since I've had, had you here with me It's impossible to see my life without you Cause I need you, girl And I want you to share my world (When I'm in your arms, you can feel my heart beat) To the metronome that's beating To the melody in your heart And no matter where you are, Baby you can count on my love I guess I never really knew how love could feel Cause you make my heart skip a beat Girl you know, like I know, that this is for real No we can't deny it Give me your hand so we can plant this seed Cause all we need is love to grow this family tree My baby, be forever my lady... Girl it's you...
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    cw65486  43, Female, Denmark - 2 entries
Aug 2006
11:42 PM BST

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    kell10  32, Female, USA - First entry!
Aug 2006
2:40 PM EDT

ahhh well guys this is my 1st time to be on this.. <33kellie
1 comment(s) - 07:25 PM - 10/18/2006
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    grassfairy11  32, Female, USA - First entry!
Aug 2006
6:26 AM EDT

It was a day in Febuary when i was in the 5th grade when the event happend. I was playing dodge ball with our D.A.R.E. oficer when my face started to get ichy. i thought i just got a bug bight. But that was not the case. I got hives. When i was iching my facce, my face felt bumpy. I asked the teacher if I could go to the bath room so I could see what was wroung. When I looked in the mirror, my face was all bumpy. I ran to my moms room in the school and showed her. She told me to go straight to the nurses ofice. A little lator
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    burtonspaz  49, Female, USA - First entry!
Aug 2006
2:11 PM EDT

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    ana25  43, Female, Greece - 4 entries
Aug 2006
2:54 AM EST

here's a pic of my little man in his bed this morning. isnt he just the cutest??? :)
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    Improbulus  18, Female, United Kingdom - 12 entries
Aug 2006
11:59 AM GMT

Links should be clickable.
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