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    Alex2o10  32, Female, Texas, USA - 2 entries
Jul 2007
5:13 AM EDT

7/16/07 8:08a.m.
This morning i woke uop at like 6:45 to go to work. I was up and ready to go then i had to go wake my mom up to bring me to work since she wont let me drive. We went and saw this scary ass movie last night . It was so gross, but anywayi have a hair appt. at eleven and i am gonna get purple in my hair. It is gonna be crazy. My dad, step mom, brother, and i are going to Kirville for like a family thing that i really dont want to go even though it may be fun. I will just end up getting judged cause they are very judge mental people i HATE it.........
but i got to go cause i think the lil kid that i waych is waking up so yea

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    NotSoAverage  36, Female, California, USA - First entry!
Jul 2007
3:25 PM EDT

So how can i start i guess i can say that im not your everyday girl. i try to be outgoing and crazy but the past two years havae not been the best for me, or if you knew me you could say that before i was even born my life got screwed up. my dad died in a car accident about a week before his and my moms wedding, and my sister died when she was 15 in a seperate car accident with four of her friends. i guess you could say that my family is cursed with bad luck. when i was about four years old my aunt died of kidney failure, and when i was about fourteen my grandparents died.
Its only been me and my mom mainly for the last almost 17 years there was a time when i was about ten my mom got together with an old flame named ron. I absolutly hated him of course what child doesnt hate the new person with there parent. well they were together for about three years when he ask my mom to marry him in a restaurant i broke down and started bawling wondering why my mom would marry a man that i despised so much well while the fourth year went by they ended up not getting married they seperated but still remained close and i finally started to like him. well one day my mom picke dme up early from school in a rush to get to the bank she told me that her and ron had got into a fight because my mother wouldnt make him part owner in her buisness well after that we found out some pretty scary information about him. we kind of broke into his house which was technaclly ours because we sold it to him and he hadnt paid full amount yet but anyways mom broke into his computer and found dome disterbing emails from three different woman. yes he cheated on my mom while they were together but the worst thing was that he had gotten into some nasty stuff like slave and owner stuff one of the emails stated that while one of the womans husband was gone ron went and sexually abused her making markson her breast anad making her show them to her son to show him who was in charge. yes freaky i know. but what i realized later on about my gut feeling of not liking him was because i knew something was wrong with the picture , i would love for my mom to find someone exspecially since it would take some of the burdon off of me.
I have moved around alot from two different places for some reason we just keep moving back and fourth. during my ninth garde year i moved and when i first went to the school i hated it i wanted to move back that day but i didnt and i stuck it through and it was probally the best year of my life i met an amazing friend there named keri i dont know what i would do without her, have you ever heard the saying that if you go through life with that one true friend then you are truly blessed, well that is her i can tell her anything i know that she wont judge me and she can do the same to me she went through alot that year and i was there for her. Then i moved back again and i started my 10th grade year at a different school. it was ok at first but the thing is that i have this friend kayla for some reason i reamin friends with her not knowing why. its not that she is mean or anything its just that she is kind of to into her self and doesnt think of anyone else, and she is kind of two faced to its like when she gets around her cheerleading friends she wants absoulty nothing to do with me, which hurts alot. you can try telling her this stuff but it doesnt help at all. but its like she is the only one that i have here beside leanne. well i got my licence when i was 15 so of course i was the person to drive people around mainly kayla which was fine with me because i had some one to hang out with but everyone bet that as soon as kayla got her licence that she wouldnt even care about me anymore or even try to hang out and guess what that is exactly what happened. so basically i have nothing to do this summer because my other best friend is in australia right now for a month.
now here is where my life really starts to suck the past two years have been hell for me because of my mom she has been so stressed out and you know what they say they take it out on the people closest to them. well thats me. i cant stand it sometimes i get yelled at constantly like i can never do anything right sometimes i just think it woould be easier to just go ahead and end my life now as it is and get it over with. but something always keeps me holding on we have two houses that i cant stand because they are always dirty and im always exspected to clean them up. we have about a million junk rooms in our house of stuff that we dont even use or need and i want to get rid of it but at the same time i want to be a teenager with my friends thats probally part of the reason know one ever asks me to do stuff because im never aloud to. because i have to stay and help clean which most of the time we dont even do anything because mom is to busy sleeping on the couch. but there will be more about that in my next journal
now lets see my romantic life .... sucks i think that i am truly ment to be alone because nothing ever works out for me guys are never interested and never make attempts to talk to me. and when i do find a guy he is either a drugy who is obsessed with an ex, a jon tucker that is obsessed with girls period or his best friend which happens to be a girl, or a complete romantic who seems so good and spectacular then breaks a date and you never hear from him again. ya thats basically it my friend tried to hook me up with at least five guys this summer so far and none of them worked out so i officially give up there are plenty of woman that stay single and live happy lifes but i just want that feeling that someone wants me and loves me and wants to be with me and do stuff with but so far that hasnt happend i wish i could be like kayla she seems to have all the guys fall at her feet and i dont get it like why her i dont know . she just recently got a guy which just happend to be the same guys that i likes since about 5th grade well i guess i have to say that, that is all for today but i will be back tomorrow with more of my boring storys to tell it just feels good to get this stuff off my chest and say it instead of holding it all in... well in til next time.....NotSoAverage
1 comment(s) - 12:13 PM - 07/17/2007
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    XxOctoberxX  36, Female, Kansas, USA - 6 entries
Jul 2007
2:58 PM MST

my life totally suck...god y did i have to love him of all that it has been awhile, i kinda hate him for it. But how can i regret something that once made me happy? man i want to be best friends brother set me on a blind date... i dont know if i should...forgive me all of u that love me, my life is miserable, i need someone real, and here. i do love you back, i really do, but im so alone. i hate it and every thing i do and every thing i dont do. i ask myself oh god, why me?
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    BAdams  39, Female, Kentucky, USA - 2 entries
Jul 2007
12:44 PM EDT

When Gregory and I split up, I wasn't that dpressed I felt a little remorse, but nothing like losing my children. I felt my entire life was ripped out from underneath me and there was nothing I could do or say to stop it. I felt I was in a hollow existence to fake my way through life as best as I could. I was mad at the entire world for everything bad that had happened to me in my life. I've yet to let go of the past completely, things that have happened will still get me down, but I will eventually persevere.
One day everything will be fine again, matter of fact they will be great and I know that. The unsubstantial nonsense from my life will no longer exist. Friends that I thought were my friends will no longer be in my life. Patty went to court last month to testify against me, someone who I thought was my best friend for almost seven years, and someone who sort of guided me through life, let me down tremendously. She told everything she knew on me, which after seven years was quite a lot. My secrets were out and there was nothing I could do to hide anymore.
Once day my kids will be back with me where they belong and I will inevitably have my life back. It's going to take time but it will happen. I understand now more than ever that I may need help with my codependency on drugs and alcohol. I am very impulsive when I drink, uncontrollable, and often suicidal. I knew death in only the most abstract of senses; I never knew it would be something I would arrange or seek.
I burnt you a few CDs, they all say something about my life or someone in it. Your smart enough to figure it out. Hope you enjoy. YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO THE WORDS!!! PLEASE, OF COURSE.Also I didn't get a chance to put it on any of them, but that song, "Big girls don't cry" By Fergie, that song absolutely kicks ass.

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    confusedgirl101  31, Female, California, USA - 12 entries
Jul 2007
4:59 PM EDT

omg! well yesterday after i posted i went crazy and decieded i wanted my hair blonder so i got comet(w/ bleach) and tried to bleach my hair! u know its that stuff that u clean sinks w/. well i know im crazy! anyways im not supposed to use chemicals on my hair and my mom noticed it was blonder but i told her it was lemon juice! lol! well ttyl! l8r Belle
Tags: MORON!!!
3 comment(s) - 04:38 PM - 09/06/2007
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    kaymiller  66, Female, Louisiana, USA - First entry!
Jul 2007
7:57 AM CDT

I have been following the progress and I am so happy for all of you. May you continue to improve along this path. My thougths and prayers are always with you. Love Kay Miller
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    cahearn40  62, Male, Colorado, USA - 6 entries
Jul 2007
9:51 PM MST

Once we value Christ above everything else, we will learn to love our family with a deeper and healthier love. But until our ultimate loyalty is determined, home-grown affection will do in our hearts what fire or German ivy will do in a forest.
This is such a hard concept, and put so starkley can take you aback, but it is something we have to do. God help me to understand and do this principle
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    cloud  31, Male, Utah, USA - First entry!
Jul 2007
12:46 PM EDT

me what about me im not that exciting i play made up game with my frinds i play video games all day i have a boring job but at least i get payed i love any girl it kinda wierd
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    SimplyChelsey  30, Female, Pennsylvania, USA - First entry!
Jul 2007
6:32 PM EDT

Hey people,
Ok so like me and my bff swore we would be friends forever and like we did ever thing together like we would say stuff at the same time. But like she went off to camp FOR LIKE THE WHOLE SUMMER! and I'm stuck here. And wee told each other everything Likw we had this book that we would like write down our crushes, rate how hot guys, make popularaity list, plan birthday partys, plan normal partys, plan trips, and alot more. The thing is I always told her my crushes and stuff and now I have like a huge one on this kid from school but I cant tell her because she is at camp and I dont have the address. And I really like this kid but he says he does not date. But like at school he would always flirt and stuff but now he does not talk and his cell is always off.
Man my summer is not going right.
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    EroticBehavior4u  57, Female, Louisiana, USA - 5 entries
Jul 2007
9:40 AM EDT

Wounded But I Can't Let Go
The more i sit and think, the more i hurt. Knowing that i stand in danger of losing the best thing that ever happened too me.The worst part is i have no one to blame but self. But i can't help feeling like my heart is engulped in flames. It;s like i can barely hear your vioce anymore, It becomes faint day by day. How do you pick up the pieces of a broken heart that resemles a jigsaw puzzle...I struggle to keep my head above water...yet the tides of a broken heart carries me under, I gasp for breath is shallow, wondering how could i breathe without oxygen? The oxygen that shes filled me with all this time...She was my air, The only way i know how to live, my means of survival, Afraid if she spreads her wings and fly will she soar so high she'll forget the one she left behind? Or does it matter that her wings are clipped and she's wounded and can't fly, feeling like a bird with 2 wings but can't fly...Longing to soar again but theres no wind...She was my life. Now that the wind has come to a standstill, no wind, no air, no breathe, no life...struggling to regain my composure...staggering, stumbling, wondering...How do i getthe rhythm of my heart back in tune with my love for her?
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