Don't Quit
January 25. 2007
When things go wrong
as they sometimes will,
when the road you're trudging
on seems all uphill,
when the fog dies low,
and the debts are high,
and you want to smile,
but you have to sigh,
when care is pressing you down at bit...
rest if you must - but don't you quite.
success is failure turned inside out,
the silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
it may be near when it seems afar,
so stick to the fight
when you're hardest hits seems so far...
it's when things go wrong,
that you mustn't quit.
Even though life seems like it's afar
but I say this for a reason and it's no lie,
'I hope for the best for all of my ever good
friends that I have just met and lost and knew.
I know this guy and his name is Ken. I just met him
for a second or two. We both talked and talk until
we both said our good - bye's.
There's this guy that I met today and he
was a stranger to me. This is what I can not believe that
if you take the time to say to a stranger about what
has happened in your past that he or she will understand
completely, to take the time to listen to a stranger.
What a wonderful thing that was.
I'm please to announce that I lived for so long and yet
you even longer for you guys are really my heroes
Even though I said out of anger that 'I don't trust you not
no more,' but really I do. I trust 'n' you.
For I believe that there are really angels in this
world that we may not know. Listen to the sound
of the wind, listen as it howls. Can you please be
my angel for this one night forever and always.
I see people singing and dancing and even dieing
but yet I do not know why they are. Confused and
drowning in my sorrow's that this has to happen to
such beautiful people.
People lie, steal, drugs and so on and so on. My prayer
is for world peace and prosperity. For the little ones
means' so much to a young girl to have some kind of
shelter where none is found. Share your homes
to the people that are confused, lost and homeless
share your home to the little ones that has no mom
or dad. I say that where I may go isn't for you
but for the ones that were abandoned when young
or old. Don't quit what you have started.
Don't quit believing that I want to achieve goal in
life for there are so many you want.
I may lose my mind over something in
the past that comes to haunt me when I'm happy.
I then cry and cry wanting patiently for someone to say
'It will be all right?"
I then keep crying and there's nothing that you can do to
stop me from crying. No matter what I will be your friend
whether good or bad. For Jesus alone is my lord and
savoir and redeemer. There is nothing in this world
that will make me stop believing.
Lonely am I with out no one here to call my friend or my
family. I would love to have you here but really you are
farther then I intended you to be. I would rather you to
to be far but still friends but visiting often. Nothing
will take me apart from you and you and you because
I heard from someone very special that I hold in my heart
'We are all sent for a reason. You may not know what the
reason is.' I thing now I know why I'm sent down here?
Only to bring hope and destiny to man kind. We are
fighting for a case and a lost where nothing will bring
it to life. The people that are in Afghanistan, the
Canadians' and the Americans' are trying to being freedom
into there lives but they are all dying for nothing.
Very we say to those whose lives are gone and lost in the
past. We shall not forget the glory that they/we are
trying to give them a message. Only people as selfish as
the people that goes to jail are mean and nasty to get to
Even those live's that has been lost by someone else like
the murder and the people that molest little girls and little
boys'. For they are in my thoughts for always and ever.
I hope that you would understand that we are all God's
creatures weather you believe in him or not. I hope you
will take in that we are all loved by someone special like
you are to me.
You are the answers to my calls when ever I may need a
friend that is reliable, nice, friendly and so on and so on.
For you have showed me the light over and over but I was
to afraid t admit it.
Only you alone are like my angel and hero that God has
pistol on me to shine the light where none was found.
Only you can finally be called my angel, my hero and my
friend. Thanks to you I'm finally me and I'm finally glade
to call you friend.
Unless you do something silly and goofy just to get
my attention to make me laugh when really I will say
to myself that you are a lire and a scam artist.
All I really want to say is this:
to trust you and respect you, to call you and rely on you,
to hold you when time's are rough and to give you a kiss on
the cheek good night. My hope is for life to come very,
very, very, very soon.
Learn not to fight or get sad or mad. It brakes my heart
to see you like this because of my mistakes- (crying,
fighting and especially lying behind someone's back.
I did all of those and I sorry. I got into fights when
something as silly as this then I through. Maybe it
was suppose to last or maybe a friendship that will keep
going until the end of time. I lied to you once or maybe
twice but really I was ashamed of myself.
Last night I prayed for a new beginning and a new ending.
I heard God calling my name and so I answer. He then
said, 'Making mistakes is healthy and fair but if you go to
do them often where you make to many mystakes is not.'
I answered back saying, 'God please don't leave me.'
He said, 'I'm not going to, I'm right here weather you can
see me or not.' 'Tell everyone that I love then and
believe in them don't ever forget that child.'
I nodded my head as a tear came down from my eye.
A whisper as if it was going farther and farther away
saying, "Always believe.'
Never give up the fight to achieve your goal -
don'tquit never
Righter: Jackie L. R. S.
Started Feb. 1st Ended Feb. 2nd 2007
Love is a mysterious thing... You will go to no extreme for the one you love... No matter how much your heart hurts. Your mind can tell you so much about the person you love and you just cant picture what lyfe would be like with out that one person. You always say thier going to change but in your heart you know it will never be the same and that person will never change. So you are again at a cross road where you have to decide if it is worth the struggle or if its time to let go...