greyraven's Journal

Feb 2008
12:31 PM CST

The time of year for feeling blue

What does it mean to have a holiday like valentines day that well my wife is just not interested in romance or me anymore. It is obvious by her lack of putting our relationship anywhere near her to do list. I just feel like I'm being taken for granted that she believes I will just always be there and well I certainly don't feel that way. Just getting tired of trying to work on it. And what's with all the crap about do the housework and take care of the kids these are romanitc things the wife will appreciate. What a load of crap. She just fills up her time with other stuff.
1 comment(s) - 07:06 PM - 02/16/2008

greyraven's Profile

  • Username: greyraven
  • Gender / Age: Male, 67
  • Location: USA - Illinois