Best Friends Friends ask why you're crying, but best friends already have the shovel to bury the meani who made you cry.
Females Every girl needs her own special to feel beautiful. Whether this day is everyday, once a month, or one day, she doesn't need a man to tell her she's special.
True Friends A true friend sees the first tear, catches the second one, and stops the third tear.
Who Matters? There comes a point in your life when you realize who really matters, who never did, and who never will.
Love Hurts Love is giving someone the ability to hurt and crush you, and trusting them not to.
I Promise I promise I'll never forget the day we kissed, or the day we met. The sky may fall and the stars my too, but in the end, I will still love you.
First Sight When I first saw you, I was afraid to meet you. When I first met you, I was afraid to kiss you. When I first kissed you, I was afraid to love you. Now that I love you, I'm afraid to lose you.
I Do If you're asking if I need you, the answer is forever. If you're asking if I'll leave you, the answer is never. If you're asking what I value, the answer is you. If you're asking if I love you, the answer is I do
Every Teenager Has Worries.
What Am I oing To Wear tommorrow.
Why Doesn`tt Anyone Understand Me.
My Math`ss Homework is due in
Justt Lil Thing`ss.
In My Exprience sooo far i had all thesse plus more. theyy all essulated up into one big problem. It Kinda All Started With These Group Of MAte`ss I Hung Owtt With. The Crowd That Smoked Diid Drug`s Etc.�Eventually I Gave Into Peer Presure. And Was Doing All That. My Life Wasn`tt Too Bad Until�This Boy� Came Into itt. Ohh How I Loved Him. I Was Young Butt VEerytime I saw Him I Thought Of Perfection, And Everytime He Smiled My Way Justt Melted My Heart. Calling Him Mine Made Me The Happiest Person ever! I Wasn`t Perfect Butt He Except all My Flaw`ss Accepted Me FAwr Who I Am He Wads NIce Sincer Butt Of All Thing`ss He Was Mine. I Actuall Thought We Could Lastt Forvever Butt On That Saturday Morning Hey Said Thing`ss Werent Workking Owtt. We Should Just BE Mates. I Don`tt Thinkk Anyone Understood How Hard TThat Was For Me. Mascara Runing Down My Face All Day. Every Lil Thing Reminded Me Of Him. I Really Wanted Too Gett Over Himm I Was Silly And Diid Itt In The Stupidest Way Ever. Giving Head Too A Guy I Had Known For About 3 or 4 Week`s. Goshh That Justt Give Me A Reputatiion As A Slutt!!! On That Sunday Night I Gott A Txt- From My Ex Saying
Him'Hey. How`ve You Been?'
Me'Not Soo Good Butt Trynah Gett Better'
Him' Neither. I Can`t Believe I Lett The Bestt Girl In My Life go'
Me' I`m Nott Gonna Lie. Yes Losing You Was The Hardest Thing For Me. And I Still Don'tt understand Why?'
Him' I Never Should Of. I Miss You Like Crazy. I`ld Do Anything too Gett You Back. Hurting You Hurt Me More Then Anything. I Love Youu. Can You Give Us Another Shot. . . PLEASE'
That Was It. I Was Sooo Confused. I Still Loved Him But Wasn`tt Sure If It Was The Right Thing. What If I Got Hurt Again. I Couldnt Bare going Thru That Again. Butt Without Him There Was Really Nothing Good In Life. I Told Him I Would If He Promised Neever To Hurt ME Again. He Said He Couldn`t Do That. At The Time I Believed Him. Butt Lil Did I Know How Bad Hee Could Play With My Heart. ANd How Bad He Could Hurtt ME Again. . .
--- Sam Nejad
This is my first ride with this group.
my name is kokokaka...it is weird name but what can i do....my parent choosed....but luckly im clever and smart.....da....im not trying to show of...but im telling the truth...i get 5A's for my upsr...that's all about me...i guess so...babai...
I think I must be the dumbest person of earth! Seriously! I gave in. I went back home and let him back in. And I shouldn't have done it so easily but I did. It's hard to let someone you love go and even harder to watch them go down the wrong path. I can't watch him do this and not help him. It's a sad thing really!
Even more sad is the fact that he has the checkbook. I am SO taking them from his truck and his safe when he doesn't know it. I can't have him overdrawing our account all the time because he's not responsible enough or doesn't care enough to check the balance! So now this is the second or third time he has overdrawn our account! How can he do this? Go out and spend it on beer and drugs! It makes me so damn angry! I am stopping direct deposit to that account and putting it into WaMu! Damn it! UUUGGHH! Or maybe I'll open myself up a second account! That is exactly what i'll do! right now! online! later, got stuff to do!
I guess everything is changing, and I dunno what I think about any of this. I feel betrayed by friends, and a lot of things are frustrated me. I guess becoming close with new people, cause the old ones to start drifting.. I can't really write much on here, I feel like I can't even trust a personal website, where you're suppose to write everything. I feel like not many people can be trusted anymore, and let alone something like this. It is so annoying how shitty and low people will go, just for someone else. I guess this isn't even entirely about me, well actually very little of it is. I see one of my new really close friends, constantly being betrayed by a lot of people, and I relized how shitty people are now of days. How they will do anything, just to make them feel superior, when really it makes you shittier then the person before you. So many people are like this now, so many people suck at being a good friends, and good friends seem really impossible to find. I am so glad, that I now keep my guard up a lot more then I use to. I don't know what I would do, if every day passed and I had to worry about someone betraying me. It doesn't seem to matter how close you are anymore, because everyone seems to just love to do it, and its happened more then it should have to me in the past.
Well things with Ryley and I have improved again. I think...Im not so worried, because I have a feeling that most of the issues came from stress from school. So not only did our small issues seem huge because of the stress I was already feeling...but they got blown WAY more out of proportion. Anyways...Im glad to be with him. He is really sensitive to my needs and feelings. Its great to have a guy who will try to make me happy any way he can. If I am unhappy he try's to help any way, and if its because of him he tries to fix the problems. Its not like 100% but no relatioship is, and I am greatful to have such a good man in my life. Anyways....That is about all I have to say. Have a wonderful evening!!
Blair was up when i got home and his whole agenda was for me to meet his mom. I was nervous and excited. We went to flea market to drop off laptop at the kernal's. We then went to petersburg and he was pissed cuz we had to have his tire fixed cuz he done messed up the rim. It got fixed but he blamed it on potholes in richmond. lol His mom was really nice. Blair and I are gonna be moving with each other and Im excited about that as well. We gon make this work! We then went to pick up my car and my laptop and shot to my uncle's house and i went to see curuchi and tito who live across from each other. We also got to see my twin cousins stephany and her sis. Stephany likes to travel and even went to chicago, holla. Nano was there. We were asked to stay for dinner but I thought Blair wasnt up for it so I said I had to go to work which was true. Blair actually wanted to stay! Poorcommunication on my part. Well at home, I put Blair to cook. He made this steaks that came out really good. Ihad the rice and beans. His plate was spic and span. I'm glad he enjoyed it cus boy is he picky. We went to sleep till I had to get up and he basically dragged me off the bed so i can wake up. lol