Jena's Journal

Nov 2009
4:14 AM AKDT

Shopping At the Supermarket

I went to hk2 supermarket to buy noodles. I used a shopping basket, and while reading a package of soup bases. This man comes pushing a cart telling me I shouldn't have to carry my groceries in a basket, it'd be easier in a cart. I told him it was okay, he said no no use the cart. He took my basket from my arm and placed it in the cart... � �... and I told him thanks.

Haha I had no idea someone see me shopping would say ...� that person is carrying 2 packages of instant noodles and that is way too heavy for her to carry.

Gosh I'm embarrassed ^^""�� what a nice person though.

Jena's Profile

  • Username: Jena
  • Gender / Age: Female, 36
  • Location: USA - California