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    Sakii  30, Female, Netherlands Antilles - 2 entries
Feb 2008
7:01 AM EDT

Today... boring so far

Hi you person who reads this,

Today is still boring. I have to start with my homework, but I don't want to! I feel nervous and tired at the same time. Yesterday I went to the cinema with my friends and I can't stop thinking about it. I mean, we had so much fun and we laughed. It's still weird to me. Because I never had such cool friends. I feel really respected for the first time! I still remember school, I had friends but... they weren't like friends. They hated me. And all the kids teased me. I think that was until the six grade. But know I'm on the 'next school'. I don't know how it's called in English... I am 13 years old and in 'the second grade'. I don't know how to explain it. Now I'm on this 'next school' I finally feel respected and cared. I remember one time, my friend told me. I was sick for two days and I couldn't go to school. And everybody in my class was worried. They kept asking my friends where I was. And kept asking when I was coming back. It was so awesome. But still I have some 'enemies'. Not enemies, but people who don't like me. I didn't do anything, they find me ignorant. But I know, you can't be respected by everyone, right? Today I'm going shopping with a friend, my best, best friend. But my mom and dad aren't at home. My friend is still asleep... So have to wait. And I'm so excited! Later this day, I'll write stuff that's more interesting. Because, my diary is quiet boring so far.


P.s: I am not English, so my text could be incorrect.

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Current Tags: Bored, excited, shopping

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    sacredfly  60, Male, Alabama, USA - 17 entries
Feb 2008
5:47 PM EDT

More on approval

"My people have committed two evils: they have forsaken me, the fountain of living water, and dug out cisterns for themselves, cracked cisterns that can hold no water" (Jer. 2:13).

As I was sharing with someone what the Lord had shown me about approval, he showed me more. The scripture above says it all.

There is one source of all approval - Him. Any approval (blessing/declared to be satisfactory) that comes to me through others has its source in Him. And the fact is, we usually seek approval from those we esteem. I have a tendency to seek it from those I consider better than myself or higher than myself. All of this happens subconsciously, of course - but it happens nonetheless. And it affects my daily experience and relationships. The truth is this: that God alone is the source of my approval. Anytime I think a person is the source, I will be disappointed and hurt. God, in his mercy, has stacked the deck and cornered the market on approval. Thanks be to God!

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    cancermoonchild  44, Female, California, USA - 32 entries
Feb 2008
1:34 PM EDT

my last night in sioux falls, sd

    I'm sitting here by myself in the hotel room. Steven is downstairs working on some project downstairs in the lobby. Leaving me to be myself, im left alone with nothing else but my thoughts and feelings.

    While, i'm glad to be going home back to sunny san diego (even tho i hear that its raining) i dont want to leave. I've found myself feeling so god damn comfortable. Sleeping next to him, waking up next to him- being in his arms. He makes love to me and i can do nothing but look into his eyes. I like.. no, i love the way he looks at me when he's inside me. our eyes connect and its just something special. Well, it is to me- i dont know what he thinks. He tells me i'm beautiful or how fucking hot I am. But you know men- for all i know, i could seriously just be being used for sex. It's nothing new to me- used and abused. Sometimes I wished I didnt feel. Just be able to enjoy the feeling, without having those feelings of wanting something more. Something deeper... i can't help it. i wear my fragile heart on my sleeve. I expect so much - i wish i expected NOTHING. Take it for what it is- day by day. But no.. i'm fucked up. i hurt myself.. for absolutely nothing. There's nothing for me to feel sad for. i should only be feeling happiness.. i really should. But its not like that. not at all. its that clock ticking inside of me. Wanting to know.. wished he would tell me how he felt. I can believe i even let my feelings known, and he doesnt really say anything.... not that he has to - probably haw nothing to say. Probably feels nothing- to that extend. Just enjoys my company- enjoys my body. nothing more nothing less. can't ask him- cuz he wont really answer..... i already know.

    I'm watching him work across the table from him. His eyes so intense... i love his jaw line, so defined. glasses on, glasses off- he's so sexy. I really can't stand it.

    It really is my fault. I'm just attracted to men who are emotionally unavailable to me when i all i want is their love. Or they are the men who show their love in ways that are unknown to me. He's already admitted he's not the romantic type of guy- and here i am, ms. hopeless romantic... mismatch in heaven? Do i just learn how to deal? I guess i have no other choice.

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    dannyboy4life  34, Female, United Kingdom - First entry!
Feb 2008
5:18 AM EST

i love u but !!!!!!!!

i loved him so much then found out he was cheating wif my best mate on me !?!?!?

he says he still really loves me but y should i be wif him !!!!!

except the main problem is i love him to !!!!

1 comment(s) - 04:12 PM - 02/20/2008
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    miranda377  34, Female, Canada - First entry!
Feb 2008
9:13 PM EDT

I met a Guy

I meta a guy. He made me. So now I sit here and want to die.
Tags: Cry
1 comment(s) - 06:43 PM - 02/18/2008
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    SceneTrashStar  34, Female, Virginia, USA - First entry!
Feb 2008
9:23 PM EDT


I am now back in Virginia but only to visit friends and family. I really want to move back here but i dont want to leave my boyfriend Patrick in New York. I love him sooo FUCKING MUCH!!!!!!! I would do anything for Patrick just because i love him sooo much and i would die for him. my day was okay but Chris came over to jonathon's house and OMG did drama start. At first my day was starting out awsome until chris came over and didnt go home until 9:30 ugh!!! He was getting sooo FUCKING ANNOYING!!!! I really miss Patrick i just want to run up to him and makeout with him while i am hugging him and i would never let go lol. I miss him sooo much!!!! Now im waiting for him to get back on aim so i can talk to him because he doesnt have a cell phone and i dint really know his house phone either. i know that with me being his girlfriend and all that i should at least remember his number by heart but i dont and feel bad about that and just between u and me i dont even know his last name. i feel so ashamed!!! i am so freaking tired so im going to bed. peace out!!!!


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    yoanstranger  49, Male, Philippines - 2 entries
Feb 2008
10:15 AM EST

another world

let us pretend that we exist not in this world
that we are free from the complexities of life
and the world revolves not around us
only you and me, together
in another world created by our dreams
in this world that we made let us love
let us stay together as if time has stopped
our hands, our lips, our hearts
let me touch you and love you in my arms
like no one ever can
as the northwind blows on earth
only our love breezes in this place
love beyond the words, love beyond sight
love beyond the heat of the night
such perfect love as clear as eternity
before it ends up when we wake reality
1 comment(s) - 07:01 PM - 02/16/2008
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Current Tags: dreams, freedom, love

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    maddismommi0108  35, Female, Texas, USA - 2 entries
Feb 2008
2:13 AM EDT


Today Madisyn is exactly one month old!! last night she fussed so much i barely slept. Today im a little cranky from lack of sleep but i guess ill be ok!! i have an amazing mother as i may have told you before she got up with maddi this morning at 6:30 when she started crying! My mom is terrific any time i need her to get up with maddi she does it helps me so much!! she lets me nap during the day when i need to.. she is just totally amazing!! im truly lucky to have a mom as wonderful as mine.. she means the world to me!!


your trully amazing and you mean the world to me.. i wanna tell you how much i love you tho i think you already know!! I love you so much.. as a mom, as

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    greyraven  66, Male, Illinois, USA - 2 entries
Feb 2008
12:31 PM CST

The time of year for feeling blue

What does it mean to have a holiday like valentines day that well my wife is just not interested in romance or me anymore. It is obvious by her lack of putting our relationship anywhere near her to do list. I just feel like I'm being taken for granted that she believes I will just always be there and well I certainly don't feel that way. Just getting tired of trying to work on it. And what's with all the crap about do the housework and take care of the kids these are romanitc things the wife will appreciate. What a load of crap. She just fills up her time with other stuff.
1 comment(s) - 07:06 PM - 02/16/2008
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    6LOSTinTHEwind  39, Male, Canada - First entry!
Feb 2008
4:40 PM EDT

a poem

Yes ppl it's that time of year again, that's right Valentine's day is fast approaching and anyone who knows me knows that this time of year depresses the crap out of me so i have written another poem about it


You owe me nothing

Not even a tear

It's Valentine's Day

Yes it's been a year

I'm dead and hollow

sitting here

Limp and numb

As seasons pass

Yet still you blink,

not one lash.

Summers gone

And winter's passed

So in my wrist

I carve a gash

At first it trickles

Till at last,

My vein's run cold

And life has passed

In death there's warmth

And summers last

Again we're friends

Just like our past

And again my friend

I learn to laugh

But that was then

and this is now

So I stop to wonder about how

How it came to this

Is this the end?

But still I have one question then

My Question is;


1 comment(s) - 07:10 PM - 02/16/2008
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