lisababy's Journal

Mar 2007
12:34 PM MDT

hey so today we had a game of "jeopardy" at our school today and the amazing thing was i actually WON!

Mar 2007
1:52 PM MDT

hey this is my 1st entry and im in front of a computer and watching Full House at the same time then im going to bake cinnamon rolls with my mom to take to school for our CSAP breakfast party which ill probly sit by my best friend brittney which can sound just like lily from Hanna Montana so ill hear her screaming "OH MY GOSH ITS HANNA MONTANNA!" then well take the stupid boring test 4 about three sessions eat lunch for three miniutes (its bull that we only have 5 miniutes 2 eat)so then after that we have another test then free time then we go home its such a horrid time 4 school to be that fast paced when i am still sleepy from last night so im gonna go bake and talk 2 you l8ter bye!

lisababy's Profile

  • Username: lisababy
  • Gender / Age: Female, 31
  • Location: USA - Colorado