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xobrit2012xo's Journal
Mar 2007
6:26 AM EDT
I lot of good things happened yesterday-
wow-where do I start
there were about twelve hot black guys at the mall and when me and my sister were in line for icecream they came and talked to us.
they got our number and said they'll call.
that was the first good thing that happened.
the secong good thing that happened was I got to go shopping for dresses for my mom's wedding.
And the third thing is I got to get icecream because I was really craving for it.
well if you got something to say then comment or message me.
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Mar 2007
10:03 AM EDT
Three good things that happened to me today
hmm... I can't really think of three things but
1. I got to sleep in today because there is not school on saturdays.
that is all i can think of right now
P.S i heart david polgar!!*
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xobrit2012xo's Profile
Gender / Age:
Female, 32
USA - West Virginia
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XOBRIT2012XO's Interests:
About Me:
hey what up this is brit I am in school and am single. I really like David polgar I like to hang out with my friends,talk on the phone,get on the computer,watch movies,and go shopping of courese. I am on the track team and I think I am pretty fast. i love running it makes me feel like i'm free and i can just think. I have 6 best friends and no enemies. My favorite movies are john tucker must die,all the saw movies, harry potter movies, and of course NORBIT,and madia's family reunion. My favorite subject is math because it is what i am good at. I love it when it rains. And I love to read and write poetry. well thats it for now
track,basketball,cheering,gymnastic,basically sports. shopping,friends,and boys DUH!
Favorite Music:
rap,r&b,Hip hop,pop,not much rock
Favorite Movies:
john tucker must die,norbit,saw series,madia's family reunion,the sad best one ever,the notebook
Favorite Television:
mtv,disneychannel the hills,exposed,real world,backyardigans(lol)cory in the house,thats so raven
Favorite Books:
harry potter,series of unfortunate events