SeeWhy's Journal

Jul 2007
4:44 PM EDT

Just a quick catch up. I havent been to the therapist in two weeks. I am scheduled for next week. I have stopped taking the dealer classes. Couldnt juggle them and work. I have been working alot of hours. Husband is still in the house. An ex boyfriend found me online and told me alot of wonderful things, things I have always wanted to hear. It felt soo good to find out that someone was looking for me and had been looking for me since we broke up. I feel hook line and sinker...simple woman. He disappeared for weeks without calling or anything. Before anyone thinks bad of me.... I told him I was married. He is seperated. Then...long story short...he dropped me like a bad habit. He lives far from me. I am glad he does but...I miss his words...what is the key to healing a broken heart anyone???

SeeWhy's Profile

  • Username: SeeWhy
  • Gender / Age: Female, 59
  • Location: USA - West Virginia