babyc's Journal

Mar 2007
5:15 PM EDT

Ya so me and my boyfriend were at the movies and a couple of guy i know came up to me and huged me you know like a brother hugs there unger sister so anyway my bf alex goes crzy and threatens to kick there ass.He tells me he loves me som times he scares me with his constant checking up on me to make sure i am not with a nother guy.i love him but he is overbearing and when ever i try to talk to him he changes the subject.what should i do this is starting to get scary

babyc's Profile

  • Username: babyc
  • Gender / Age: Female, 32
  • Location: USA - Oklahoma
    BABYC's Interests:

    About Me: i like to hang out with my friends and be with my boyfriend alex

    Interests: i like to draw and listen to music

    Favorite Music: i like alternitive rock and some times heavy metal

    Favorite Movies: i like no moves i dont watch them a lot but one is ok it is saw 3

    Favorite Television: i like the show charmed and grays anitamy and house

    Favorite Books: i love the book twlight and new mone and also hawk song