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    Dominique  33, Male, Ohio, USA - First entry!
Jul 2009
4:30 PM EDT

My Life

My baby Doughboy is my life he brings me so much joy i never smiled so much until i met him and his family they make me feel so good i cant believe that i actually found someone that loves Dominique for Dominique and i love him for him. It brings a beautiful warm feeling over my body that never goes away

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    xiulanfabu  24, Female, Virginia, USA - First entry!
Oct 2009
7:02 PM EDT


well its October and we are still going strong. don't get me wrong, we had a monster argument and he called me out my name for the fiirst time we got through it however. We have been woorking as a team to get through lifes bumps and it has been succesful Michelle and DJ got marrried this past weekend and it was beautiful. LaBrian says we are next. He is trying like hell to get another job and I am adapting to my job nicely. I feel confident that I can perform my duties and maybe move up next year. Marcus has taken up the alto saxahone and Treon LOVES school and gets pissed off if he doesn't have homework. GOD has blessed me and I truly appreciate it.
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    reneemaniac  39, Female, Taiwan - First entry!
Jul 2009
9:16 AM EDT

graduates' delay syndrome

Things ought to be said were not told today; one more unfinished task accumulated.

For the questionnaire part, I decided to stick to applying the webster's whole sections into mine, and add Novak's as a supplement.

As for the subjects, I do need to seek help. I shall find some professors of the English department who are willing to lend me their students and time for my experiment. And also I should loose my restrictions on subject qualification. As long as I cannot think up four scenarios for them to search, and four are indeed too much burden for subjects, more subjects will be required.

I need foreigners who visits online bookstore! How can I find people who are willing to help without much monetary reward???

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    drgload  45, Male, Romania - First entry!
Jul 2009
9:45 AM MESZ

Better, but still...

Ieri am fost sa ridic masina de la service. E bine sa o am din nou. Legat de masina, inca nu am primit confirmarea descoperirii de cont. Sper sa nu fie ceva probleme pentru ca avem nevoie si de cealalta masina. Am vorbit si cu Mitu si mi-a explicat ca s-a intarziat racordarea la curent pentru ca persoana de contact e in concediu. De asemenea e posibil ca suma ceruta sa fie ceva mai mica. La servici am fost lejer ieri si am avut ocazia sa rezolv cateva probleme prin oras. Acasa nu am mai facut nimic. In schimb am stat afara cu Nea' Radu si am mai vb de toate cele.Maine... la munte!
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    Sp33dRac3r  43, Male, California, USA - First entry!
Jul 2009
7:30 AM PST

White GSX 750 Suzuki available within surround dealer locations: 1. Hollywood 2. Los Angeles 3. Orange County

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    casperTHEpug  30, Female, New York, USA - 10 entries
Jul 2009
3:36 AM EDT



#1 630 (both days)

throughout the day every 3-5 hours.

#2 getting back to normal yesterday only 1 time at 5pm loose and firm stool

EYES:� Sunday I notice small blisters starting in both eyes, have been using terramycin 3x per day already better but lots of discharge in the goodeye yesterday and very opaque. vision poor the last couple of days.

ENERGY: good really begging for more food. gave rice yesterday to help firm up stool.

MOBILITY:� not as stiff but weak, back legs collasping in the house she stops every couple of feet due to mobility and vision not sure where she is at.

HEARING:� good

APPETITE:� hearty as usual. tolerating supplements.

OTHER:� burns healing but large scab came off yesterday and it was a bit bloody;( still ousing but getting smaller. does not looked inflammed.

as far as supplements has been less than a week but a couple of weeks now with the GDP and no results with the mobility. was hoping that the GDP wouls have started working by now. Josh says it will take more time.

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    Babyfolkz  36, Female, Illinois, USA - 7 entries
Jul 2009
11:01 PM EDT

another day

well i guess some people dont like how i say tha word 'shit' in my entry's but i really dont care becuase i am not writing these to make people just tellin how my days go n then when i see my theripist fo my anger problems n shit i can just have her read tha shit i write n wont have ta talk much............

sooo anyways today after work i was jus chillin n shit n my man asked me if i wanted ta go ta his guys house n chill and i was like aight so he was all rushin me n shit n soo i get there and bang on his door and nobody is coming but i can hear them yellin inside sooo i was like aight and i called him n he didn't answer soo i called his sister and im like soooooo u jus finna let me stand in front of ur door fo another 5 mins n she started laughin n she was like gurl i aint heard nobody knock u at tha door n im like do i have ta kick ur ass n she opend tha door n she was like u gotta knock louder and i was like shit u no damn well if i pound on ur door yall finna think its tha police n really not pick up and everyone started laughin so i went up ta my mans room and his ass was still in tha shower n i sat on his bed with his lil cousin "miss thang" and we was talkin shit bout him and i was like he rushed me n he in tha shower im like i knew he was doin that n we watched some tv n shit and then he finally came out like in his boxers so i put my hand ova his lil cousin eyes n im like ugh u dont wanna see that n he looked at me like im dum lol n then sooo me, him and his other cousin "teddy bear" and i drove ta his guy house and on tha way he was talkin his shit soooo i slaped him n tha face and so he grabed tha wheel and made us swerve and i was like bitch dont make me beat ur ass n he like do it and ima crash ur shit, un button ur seat belt and run lmao and im like just wait till we get out this we get ta his guy house and he live with his women and she is like a animal freak ...we walk in and theres a big ass cage that is basically filling tha wall and theres a big ass lizard n it n then we went in tha living room, where tha pool table is and theres another freakin wall thats a cage for another lizard and then she got a big ass bird cage with a bunch of damn birds and then she has like a million cats..they like everywhere soooo im sittin on tha couch and shit watchin my man and his guy play pool and his guy is drunk n actin dum laughin at everything and his guy friend is ova there drunk off his ass to just talkin all loud and messin wit tha lizard bout ta get eaten n tha cats are like all climbin on me n shit n my baby lost..then mr teddy bear played and he lost and so it was my turn and i aint played in years soo like i hit tha ball 2 times and tha damn black ball went in and i lost soooo then my man and his guys was in tha kitchen talkin stupid shit that i dont wanna know bout and smoking ciggs and shit makin my eyes burn� and sooo me and mr teddy bear played a game of pool cuz we was bored and i won this time and thennn we drove back ta my man crib and kicked it with his family and watched some tv and did dum shit and jus was goofy and then i went home and now im makin some food n ima have ta try ta get some sleep soon cuz i gotta meet wit my student adviser guy bout pickin my classes for collage again sooo yes oooo and for that female that dont like my entrys this is for you.....SHITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT have a lovely day

1 comment(s) - 12:03 PM - 07/22/2009
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    Seraphim  39, Female, United Kingdom - 3 entries
Jul 2009
9:51 AM GMT

my first nite out

I hadf my first nite out last nite in a long time. since iv had kids anyway. 3 years.

but last nite dick bf actually let me go out to the cinema with my best friend. obviously he didnt like it, but he's not a dick in public so he cudnt really say no. although i still had to put the kids to bed, sort out his food and make sure� he had weed before i left the house. god i had an amazing night. getting a few admiring glances from forgotten what attention from the opposite sex felt like. luke doesn't count, he's cyber. i expected him to be in a stinking mood when i got in but he was suprisingly ok. great!!! i think he's beginning to realise� im changing. im starting to think about me again. and about bloody time too!!!

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    cloudfly  36, Male, Malaysia - First entry!
Jul 2009
10:42 AM WST



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    kingkong69  55, Male, Malaysia - First entry!
Jul 2009
5:53 PM A

for 2 weeks this july i felt boring to start my activity on intelligent.. i dont know why it happen.. just happen.. so maybe i just need to organize myself with my colleagues.. my friend who had information on people smuggling didnt turn up the other day.. so i guess i need to dig with my own intel.. tomorrow (17/7) need to start again..
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    tellxmexwhy  31, Female, North Carolina, USA - 4 entries
Dec 2009
8:07 PM EDT

It's Been a While

Wow, it has been a loooong time since I wrote. I have just been too busy to get on the computer, much less come on here. A lot has happened since the day I got my nose pierced. I broke my ankle 2 weeks ago, but it's almost better now thank goodness. And I also lost my friends. I guess it's just teenage drama but I'll let you know what happened anyway simply for the fact that I need to vent and I can't trust anyone else. I know you won't tell. lol So anyways, my friends have helped me with my stuff the past 2 weeks. Ya know getting around school and everything since I was on crutches and whatnot. So one of my best friends got a new phone. The next day it fell out of her pocket book and broke while she was helping me. Now, apparently, it's my fault. She has practically the whole school hating me and every one is calling me a b**** and saying I'm rude and blah blah blah. I have never gotten so many hate texts in my life! Well, I had an emotional meltdown at school today and I did the unthinkable-I cried. In front of everyone. And not once, but twice. I hate crying in front of people; it makes me feel so weak and vulnerable. Well, now I'm friendless and every one hates me. I didn't even do anything! I mean, I know people who are guilty always say that but I am honestly telling the truth! I. did. nothing. wrong. But, of course everyone blames me, the crippled. I always get blamed for everything! So, like, literally the whole school hates me. Every time I hobble by they whisper about me like I can't even hear them. But oh well. This too shall pass, and karma's a beast. They will soon regret ever giving me up. And if they don't then I didn't really need them to begin with. Right? I don't need them and their drama and their talking about people. I may be a "b****" but at least I'm a nice one. And I really do believe that I'm a good friend. Others might not think that but who cares? I'll eventually find some one who is a true friend; some one who is worth my time and my tears. I regret crying, I really do. I think they were tears of anger. I think I know why the loners at school are...well...loners. It is probably best to be a loner. At least you don't have to put up with anyone's bullcrap. But I am a Libra, a social butterfly. I just have to socialize or I will go insane! I just don't know what to do. I guess I will try to be a loner since no one wants to talk to me. Since I have become a leper. *sigh* Why do things have to crash and burn right when life is starting to get good? But maybe life wasn't getting good then, maybe it's getting good now. Maybe I was supposed to break my ankle so that I would open my eyes and realize (I rhymed heehee) that my "friends" were wearing a big fat mask the whole time. True, it does hurt. A whole year of friendship went right down the toilet, but maybe it's for the best. Like a quote by Publilious Syrus, "A friendship that can end never really began." Maybe our friendship never even began. So, I don't know what's going to happen. I'm gonna just go to school and hold my head held high and act like being hated don't bother me. Now that that little rant is over with I am gonna go read some before bed. Wish me luck and merry Christmas everyone!

2 comment(s) - 08:19 PM - 02/08/2010
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Current Tags: ankle, blame, end, fight, friend, friendship, move on

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    alf  29, Female, Iowa, USA - 2 entries
Mar 2010
8:05 AM EDT

Love can make the strongest man fall to the ground with tears flooding down his face.
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    BEBS  55, Male, California, USA - First entry!
Sep 2009
9:50 PM EST

It's been 3 months, and 6 days since the last time I saw my boyfriend for 8 yrs and 2 months. For a heated discussion that end up he didn't call for 2 months. June 1 at 5:30 pm he dropped me of at Target parking lot and that's it. I called him that night and and the day after for 1 week. Leaving messages and text Asking him to please call me . The last text that i sent him i told him..Please call... I am just here loving you please don't keep me hanging like this. I miss you. No call. I believe that whatever no matter how angry you are , I still deserve to know what's up. How can a man leave like that to an 8 yr relationship?
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    ampogue01  43, Female, Florida, USA - 11 entries
Nov 2009
6:24 PM EDT

& I let him hurt me again

Last Monday Mike text me & asked me if I was seeing anyone. I said no & he asked if I would like to do something. I said I would love to. He came over I made dinner, we played w/ Aleea, watched a movie, & we went to bed. We had sex 4 times that night & he seemed to search for me all night to hold me. He smiled & seemed so happy. I even asked before we did everything if we would be ok after & he said no. The next day we briefly texted each other by Thursday he said he didn't think we would work. I asked lets just date & take out time no preasure he said he didn't think it would work but also said he would think about it. Sunday I asked when I picked up AJ if he still felt the same. He said yes. After I got home I called him to talk & said I truelly believe we could make this work. He said he was more compatible w/ Mindy... The woman 3 days earlier he said was 1/2 the woman I am. Maybe I should move back to Rockford & smoke crack & then I will be more compatable. Our family is worth saving to me but not him. I dont know how to let go..,.. I do know I wont let him close to me again. I wont answer any text that remotely talks about us because it is nothing but a head game. I dont deserve that... I wish I had chosen a man that would put his family before anything to have children w/ He says we fought to much & doesn't thinnk it could have changed enough. Why not try? Better yet why the hell do I care. Why can't I move on &�find someone that loves me unconditionally. Does that only exist between parents &�children? Some much goes though my head. I cant sleep... I was finally getting better & told him I was happy. I guess he just couldn't let that be... I can't wait for the day that he comes back & I can look him in the face &�tell him no NEVER AGAIN!

1 comment(s) - 07:23 AM - 11/18/2009
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    ronsw  40, Male, India - First entry!
Dec 2010
9:48 PM

The Last Candle

Why am I feeling like I'm holding the last candle?
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    thi  37, Male, California, USA - First entry!
Jul 2009
2:06 AM PST

just for fun
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    flowerlilliesofthegarden  47, Female, California, USA - 15 entries
Aug 2009
3:52 PM PDT

A Trip to the Mall

I had a really awesome day! I felt great all day, even though my leg was hurting. I went to the mall with my friend's Caitie and Maricia. I had a gift certificate for $50 and it was awesome. I bought some stuff for Caitie and Maricia and it made me feel really good. I really enjoyed buying stuff for my friends. I don't get to do that often and it was awesome! I couldn't really find anything I liked anyway. We went a few different places in the mall and then we went to Carl's Jr and hung out. I got a sandwich and split it with my friend and we shared the fries among the 3 of us. Caitie got a shake and Maricia and I got soda.

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    veronic  37, Male, Australia - First entry!
Sep 2009
7:36 PM EDT

Feds Hit Pfizer with a $2.3 Billion Fine

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    uptowngirl  69, Female, California, USA - 3 entries
Aug 2009
8:40 AM PDT

Could someone please give me some words of wisdom?

Could someone out there please give me some helpful insight.� I just can't seem to get any better.� Depression just seems to get worse.� The night before I go to bed, I tell myself: I will get up early, eat right, do the things on my "to do list" but then I wake up, lay in bed and the day begins like the day before.� I don't have any "get up and go".� That doomed feeling takes over.� Then the night is here again.� I ponder about what the day brought.� Nothing as usual.� I get depressed and the whole cycle returns.� It is so lonely and frustrating.� I am living in my "own world"� and there seems to be no escape. Can I ever see or have a "real" life.� Or is this the best that there will ever be.� Could someone out there offer some words of encouragement or helpful criticism. Anything would be welcomed. uptowngirl.

3 comment(s) - 11:41 PM - 09/05/2009
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    krupa  39, Female, India - First entry!
Oct 2009
4:50 AM EDT

things tht i think abt
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