#1 630 (both days)
throughout the day every 3-5 hours.
#2 getting back to normal yesterday only 1 time at 5pm loose and firm stool
EYES:� Sunday I notice small blisters starting in both eyes, have been using terramycin 3x per day already better but lots of discharge in the goodeye yesterday and very opaque. vision poor the last couple of days.
ENERGY: good really begging for more food. gave rice yesterday to help firm up stool.
MOBILITY:� not as stiff but weak, back legs collasping in the house she stops every couple of feet due to mobility and vision not sure where she is at.
HEARING:� good
APPETITE:� hearty as usual. tolerating supplements.
OTHER:� burns healing but large scab came off yesterday and it was a bit bloody;( still ousing but getting smaller. does not looked inflammed.
as far as supplements has been less than a week but a couple of weeks now with the GDP and no results with the mobility. was hoping that the GDP wouls have started working by now. Josh says it will take more time.