Casper's Healthy Journal

Jul 2009
3:36 AM EDT



#1 630 (both days)

throughout the day every 3-5 hours.

#2 getting back to normal yesterday only 1 time at 5pm loose and firm stool

EYES:� Sunday I notice small blisters starting in both eyes, have been using terramycin 3x per day already better but lots of discharge in the goodeye yesterday and very opaque. vision poor the last couple of days.

ENERGY: good really begging for more food. gave rice yesterday to help firm up stool.

MOBILITY:� not as stiff but weak, back legs collasping in the house she stops every couple of feet due to mobility and vision not sure where she is at.

HEARING:� good

APPETITE:� hearty as usual. tolerating supplements.

OTHER:� burns healing but large scab came off yesterday and it was a bit bloody;( still ousing but getting smaller. does not looked inflammed.

as far as supplements has been less than a week but a couple of weeks now with the GDP and no results with the mobility. was hoping that the GDP wouls have started working by now. Josh says it will take more time.

Jul 2009
11:29 AM EDT

Saturday report


#1 430am!

that skunk made me get up, she peed a little bit right away not sure if she did it just to get a treat so I did not (never when she gets me out of bed after 1am when she gets taken out at 1am-does she get a treat)

730� 9am 1230

#2 still waiting

EYES:� clear of any new ulcers or blisters some redness in left(good) eye.

gave dry eye drops both eyes

ENERGY: up beat, peppy interested

MOBILITY: stiff, after she relieves her self does not want to walk. just like yesterday when i gave her a 1/4 tab of traumedel she walked better in the afternoon. not sure I can give it to her everyday??

HEARING:� good

APPETITE:� hearty as usual. tolerating supplements.

OTHER:� Hind legs still heavily scabbed and a little red. Pads healing fast. Tummy still scabbed.tummy and hind legs show a little yellow today instead of the pink that was there yesterday. does not look swollen like infection.

Jul 2009
6:48 PM EDT

day one of 14 supplements...

started with the supps today, most of them are in tablet form so he eats them as treats. so far no tummy upset.


#1 6:15am� 10am� 3:30� 7pm(!)� 10pm

#2 6:15am (small like thumb size in bed-not sure if she was asleep because I woke up to her standing there wanting to go out). 7pm normal squat to poop! normal BM outside on great walk.

EYES:� clear of any new ulcers or blisters no redness.

By afternoon there was a little redness in both eyes.

used dry drops in both eyes red lessened.

ENERGY: up beat, peppy interested

MOBILITY: stiff, after she relieves her self does not want to walk. (am walks) afternoon walks much better best walk was 7pm and 10 pm most without help.

afternoon: got worse, while walking in the apt she had to stop and rest every few feet and even sat and scooted herself across the floor a couple of times.

HEARING:� good

APPETITE:� hearty as usual. tolerating supplements.

OTHER:� Hind legs still heavily scabbed and a little red. Pads healing fast. Tummy still scabbed.

Took a video today of her trying to walk. will try to video her every week to see the improvement.

Jul 2009
6:57 PM EDT

Supplement Update

as of today back on all meds since BM's have been firmer.

1)�Visioplex 2 x� (eye support)

2) Bethaymine 1x (natural steroid)

3) Muscle Joint Drops 2x

4)dexamethsone 1/2 every other day alternating with 1/4 tab of .25mg (weaning off of)

5) denysol 1x� (Liver support)

6) marine 1/2 tab 1x (liver support)

6) DGP 1/2 tab 2x� (arthritis support)

7) Nzymes 2x� (arthritis support)

8) Missing Link Omega 3 powder 1x

9) Argentum 1.5 ml 1x (homeopath)

Jul 2009
6:40 PM EDT

Daily log

#1 = 4

#2 = 2 as reported in yesterday blog I had a big BM in my sleep at 3am (see below)

in my sleep) was not lying in it, it was sitting just near my bottom where I had passed it in my sleep?? 2nd morning in a row. my mother got home at 3am and fed me my Denysol Liver pill in my sleep. then she turned on the light to see that I had pooped in bed again... it looked fresh not sure if it happened in my sleep or when I was chewing to eat the liver pill it made it come out. but it was about 6" solid.

my mom got home at 9pm tonight and saw that I had pooped a small 3" in my sleep again. it was firm and looked wet/fresh. she took me out and I peed.


clear no redness or obvious ulcers or infection. clearly seeing better able to see treats in my hand and flinching if I move my hand in front of her seeing more.

WALKING: walked good on her own this am but had to push her, walked better for josh at 1130, walked great for Kelly at 430. out for a half hour. at 9pm walked without assistance with me until she peed then she wanted to be picked up, had to hoist her all the way to the corner.

HEARING: Good, looking up when i call waking at noises.

ENERGY :� lively wanting to sit with me and come find me looking around for more treats...

OTHER:� blisters on skin still healing , hind legs looked a little inflammed/red today redness around tummy scab.

Jul 2009
6:25 PM EDT

Daily log Weds night early Thurs am.

#1 = 4

#2 = 2 (when I my mom get me up at 615 to take me out I had pooped a 3" fairly firm poop,

in my sleep) was not lying in it, it was sitting just near my bottom where I had passed it in my sleep?? 2nd morning in a row. my mother got home at 3am and fed me my Denysol Liver pill in my sleep. then she turned on the light to see that I had pooped in bed again... it looked fresh not sure if it happened in my sleep or when I was chewing to eat the liver pill it made it come out. but it was about 6" solid.


clear of blisters and infection white dot in center of eye where blister was (left eye) remains. definitely seeing better and getting around room better because of vision. Right eye still dry but looks like center and some outside of eye shows veins retreating. not sure if any showdows or vision in this right eye yet.

WALKING: not really wanting to walk having to be pushed and hoisted, but able to and definitely walking around inside. Not seeing to well, walking around walls of wall to find places.� know the direct path from bed to food bowl but when walking around looking for mom, will stop at all furniture looking up at the shadows, clearly not seeing unless she is very close to me.


Jul 2009
6:15 PM EDT

Daily log

Potty Report:

#1 = 4

#2 = 1 (when I my mom get me up at 630 to take me out I had pooped a 3" fairly firm poop,

in my sleep) was not lying in it, it was sitting just near my bottom where I had passed it in my sleep??


still clearing still an even smaller yellow spot on left eye, right eye clear of blisters and infection.

WALKING: not really wanting to walk having to be pushed and hoisted, but able to and definitely walking around inside. Not seeing to well, walking around walls of wall to find places.� know the direct path from bed to food bowl but when walking around looking for mom, will stop at all furniture looking up at the shadows, clearly not seeing unless she is very close to me.


Jul 2009
6:06 PM EDT

Blister healing

By today Sunday, after a weekend of very compromised vision, my eye blisters had flattened out and only a small yellow spot remained. My eyes were no longer red and they looked a bit clearer. I was starting to see better (at least as good as before the weekend).

My blisters on my tummy and hind legs were also continuing to heal.

Jul 2009
6:03 PM EDT

Weds July 1 trip to Ashby Mass (BLISTERING IN SKIN AND EYES)

We had plans to go up to Laurel Farm (my dad's family vacation home in ashby mass) for a 50th family reunion and celebration of owning the 250 year old farm house and property.

My mom ended up working so he and I took the China Town bus up to Boston. When Grandma picked us up I had a really red rash like look to my hind legs and my tummy near my uretha.� By the time they got me home to look at it it looked like blisters were forming.

My eyes also were inflammed and red.�

the next day they burst and were pussy. My dad put an antibiotic ointment and by Friday am it was much improved.

My mother came up Friday afternoon and flipped out. she noticed my front pads were also red the black pads where half peeled off as though they were pulled back in a potatoe peeler.

We went straight to the local vet who said it looked very much like a contact burn. maybe hot pavement?� manhole cover?

seemed logical but at the same time I am walked in the shade and not left to stand out on any manhole covers plus I'm not usually out more than 15 mins. Maybe the dog walker got busy on the phone and I sat on the cement too long?� anyway we went home with antibiotic creme and it scabbed over the next day and seemed to be getting better.

my right eye which had a cornea ulcer a few months back then the veins grew over and never retreated leaving me we think blind in that eye and also a dry eye, had two blister like ulcers that definitely looked like they were blistering from the inside out. the good eye my left eye which has lots of pigment kerititis and edema of the cornea lens resulting in a very cloudy view of the world had one small blister (they were all the size of a pin head) and it looked a little yellow like it was pussy or infected. )

My mother started me on terrmycin 3 x per day and continued on the Simulasen Dry Eye Drops(homepath).

Jun 2009
5:52 PM EDT

JUNE 26, 2009 Dr marty Goldstein Smith Ridge Veterinary Salem NY

Hi I had mu initial visit with "Dr Marty" on June 26.� He took bloods and my parents put me down to walk but all i would do is stand in his office to which he replied " We have a lot to do"�

We went over my history and my current complaints of arthritis that was affecting my BM possibly due to increasing lack of strength in my hind legs which is age related but also a side affect of the steroids I have been on for over 3 years now.

The plan is to get me walking comfortably and improve my vision and general quality of life, by one resolving the chronic inflammation evident from the mast cell history and the muscle atrophy and poor eye health attributed to poor liver function as a result of the steroid use.

The doctor prescribed

Bethathyne which is a natural/homepath steroid 1 tab per day

DGP (natural arthritis medicine) 1/2 tab 2 x per day

Muscle Joint drops 1/3 dropper 2 x per day (orally alone)

He gave me a b12 shot, a shot to support my eye health and a shot of tramadel

the next day I was about the same but the following day I was a bit perkier and have since been walking more comfortably.� where as before the visit I was unable to stand for more than 30 seconds without starting to collapse and hold my arms out at weird angles.

I was also un able to stand to eat.

I was doing fine except for loose stool which ended up being too much fish oil in my diet (my mom) was giving me only salmon so that caused me to have a little tummy upset.

She is now giving me salmon every other day for just 1 meal so i am feeling better gastrically.

casperTHEpug's Profile

  • Username: casperTHEpug
  • Gender / Age: Female, 31
  • Location: USA - New York
    CASPERTHEPUG's Interests:

    About Me: I am a 14 and a half year old rescue pug. I have been with my mom for 13 years. I'm currently dealing with progressive eye deterioration and arthritis and cushings disease from a 3 year history of taking steroids for my arthritis. I also have had a long history of mast cell which luckily have never been positive for cancer.

    Interests: I love to eat and maybe live to eat. I love being out doors and going on adventures with my parents. They love me and do everything to include me in their daily activities. My favorite days are the weekends where we often go out of town or hang out the whole weekend as a family.

    Favorite Music: pop

    Favorite Movies: otis and milo

    Favorite Books: All I know I learned from my dog.