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    TheWannabeKoreanObaachan  35, Female, Australia - First entry!
Jun 2009
3:30 AM CST

An Introduction.. of sorts.

I copypasta'd it from another place. It's unedited. I'm sure you'll get over it.

Hi! I’m Sarah, 19, Pisces, socially creative hybrid camwhoring subculturalist. I live in Adelaide, SA, and have realised that I talk too much and seem to be prone to mood swings (everyone I know: prone? *snorts*).

I’m a very busy nymph. I’m studying for my Certificate IV in Music (Technology) at Adelaide. I’m also a first year in the Advanced Diploma of Arts (Professional Writing). I’m working on a theatre project for the Confucius Institute (Tales of the Global City) AND I’m also a shift supervisor at my local house of pizza (think about it!). Therefore, I do many things.

I’m an electronic musician, with a background in traditional instruments (keyboard – 10 years or so * backing vocals – did for just under two years; really need to start again). Sound is such a fascinating thing to me, so to be able to play with sound in so many different ways is very appealing.

I write. Writing, for me, is an emotional release. I can scream and shout without actually screaming and shouting. It’s great. I’ve worked very hard to get to where I am as a writer, and will be working just as hard to get even further. I’m quite proud of my work. Maybe I’ll put some of my work up someday.

Theatre work is new for me. I’ve never done it before. But I’m working with a ridiculously awesome team, AND the play will be in both English and Chinese!

About the only thing I hate about my activities is my job. It was great when I first started, but now I’m just getting screwed over something chronic. I’m looking to get out, and will be the moment I get another job (anyone looking?).

So I tolerate a lot of pressure in my life. But at the same time, I wouldn’t have it any other way. It makes my downtime so much more fun and awesome!

Ambitions? Many. Suicide Girl. Successful published writer. A totally kick-arse live electronic music performance. Fame, fortune and all that jazz. Never having to work a proper job ever again. Many tattoos. Awesome gravity defying hair.

I love having photos taken of me. I’m vain, I’m awesome, and I love it! I hate photos being taken of me when I’m not waxed. I love my friends and significant other. I dislike the banality that is most of my family. I love having a social life. I hate having to plan a social life around work. I love cute, cuddly animals. Hate big, giant bugs with a passion. I love cooking. I hate cleaning.

When I am online (Me? Online? LOL!) I can be found at many places, either as Shichi Reifujin or the Wannabe Korean Obaachan (or variants of those two) Obaachan, because I’m, according to most around me in the real world, O-L-D. Not OLD, or old. O-L-D. Korean, because I’m currently learning Korean, and Wannabe, because I’m a non-Asian Asian (lol).

So, me in a lengthy nutshell (diatribe!) Thanks for stopping by, and don’t hesitate to talk to me further!

1 comment(s) - 02:50 AM - 07/10/2009

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