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    jo7  34, Female, Alabama, USA - 4 entries
Feb 2007
7:02 PM EDT

good memories last forever but if thats true why dont i remember you??!!??!!?? -jordan-
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    patricks1soul  34, Male, Ohio, USA - First entry!
Feb 2007
6:10 PM EDT

so, i always wanted onw of these things so here i am. i just have so much inside of me that i feel that i can tell no one. not even my best friends. so i think that this thing and i will get along very well. so some basic info, my name is antwuan, but my friends call me ton. i am a junior at ths. i happen to love going to school, not because of school but because i can get away with my friends at school. so about these friends, ive always been able to make friends, thats just whut kinda person i am. but lately i think or at least thought that i had a solid group of friends. i think i may have been wrong. its not that we dont get along, its that we barely see each other anymore. i remember when we first started to hang out we were around each other all the time but now we barely see each other and its no ones fault we just do so many different things its just so hard for us to hang out.i dont know there was a lil incedent that may have had an effect on our friendship but thats a completly different blog. so im sayin it now loud and proud, low and in need of a serious low, mike, and ton day....really fast....hurry...and for the rest of you, until next time remember we all are fragile.
1 comment(s) - 01:59 PM - 05/09/2007
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    MsErin  44, Female, Canada - 10 entries
Feb 2007
2:08 AM PST

Fucking piece of crap site lost my entry!
1 comment(s) - 01:55 AM - 02/27/2007
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    Supersmexy  34, Female, New York, USA - 2 entries
Feb 2007
5:26 PM EDT

Ok to who ever reads this entry im curently in a fight with my father because i wanted to quit somthing that i didnt think i was very good at and he called me a quitter and in fact he screamed it to me.Now he states that he said "dont be a" before quitter and i just didnt here it this makes me mad and we are curently not speaking what should i do??Does anybody have an idea so i can try and fix my situation?
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    sparklyfizzypink  37, Female, France - First entry!
Feb 2007
4:58 AM GMT

have a geog test on mon. i have nothing to do now.
2 comment(s) - 08:03 AM - 10/04/2009
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    Nat12lovve  31, Female, Illinois, USA - 4 entries
Feb 2007
5:09 PM O

uh. i hate it when im bored. i wish i could talk 2 someone on the computer but no one will
1 comment(s) - 01:02 AM - 06/07/2007
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    zweetnspicea  31, Female, Wisconsin, USA - 2 entries
Feb 2007
5:51 PM EDT

hey its me again. so anyway az i wuz sayin, dis guy is pretty cute, i atleast dats wut think. i'm juz wandering if he wud say yes r no. i mean i went thru this whole thing last year when i wuz a sevie n he wuz a 8th grader, well he took the whole winter break 2 answer my question if he wud go out w/me. turns out he liked me, but he said no n went out w/this really ugly girl. atleast, she wuz a lot uglier than me. mayb not in his eyes but still. then again i had glasses, which i don't now cuz i got contacts, but even w/the glasses, i still think dat i wuz a lot cuter den her but wutev his loss rite? well anywayz az i wuz sayin i am so nervous the dance is on the 16th, next friday. n i don't want him 2 take 4ever like the last guy its a yes r no u no? i mean how hard is it? if it were me n 2 guys asked me out r asked me 2 the dance, i'd juz pick the 1 dat i liked better. well dats alls i gotta say for now. i'll tell u the answer on monday ttyl. luv ya, peace out
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    Sarge31r  45, Male, Tennessee, USA - First entry!
Feb 2007
3:50 PM EDT

Most of the time I don't normally speak out about anything. I keep my thoughts and ideas reserved for one person, me. However, this whole blogging and internet journaling has given me a place to vent frustration and remember elations. Well today is like no other I got up at about 830 went to work and by the way I am an army recruiter. You know the "best job" in the army, yeah. But, this job has it goods and bads. I enjoy changing someone who otherwise would end up in jail or homeless into a upstanding citizen of this country and be proud of their lives. For right now I am on a zero, meaning that I have no one in the army, but i have someone going down to join on Saturday. I really hope that he gets in, because he needs it. His family, well at least his brother, are influences that he doesn't need. But, he looking to better himself so I'm there for him. As for me, I am looking to have my first child any day now. My wife is complaining about how sore she is and no matter how I try to help more often than not I feel that I am just getting in the way. With the new addition to the family come the fantises of what our child will be like. I just hope that i can be a good father to him. I feel that with my upbringing I'm sure that i will but I guess that will remain to be seen. Well, until tomorrow.
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    MariPanda  30, Female, Nevada, USA - 17 entries
Feb 2007
1:13 PM PDT

I've been practicing my singing. I'm getting better and better. (So to speak) Practice does make 'perfect'. Not like my singing is perfect, but it's pretty good. At least that's what I've been told ;)
Yes!!! No school today and tomorrow; staff development or something. Yay! 3 more days of bliss. Hopefully, undisturbed.
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    mkitty3  40, Female, Pennsylvania, USA - 2 entries
Feb 2007
12:27 PM EDT

So last night was fun Matt and I are doing much better we just have to learn how to communicate but anyway Tara went to work and said something about my Matt (there is 2 Matt's) cause they both work at Wendy's. Well she is saying that she didn't say it and he is taking the word of a liar but I cant say that I am all together mad about her leaving. Don't get me wrong I like her but she is a constant nag and in dire need of a good fuck. She stresses me the fuck out and I am getting tired of it. Well she is gonna be moving out by the end of the month which is fine cause then i don't have to deal with her all the time. Well the other Matt he wants to leave as well but it is only to get with a chick who everyone is convinced is a dude. She told me she was a girly girl and she didn't even know if she had straight or curly hair. What is that about?? I don't know about that. So now I am in search of a new roommate and I don't know what to expect hopefully they aren't as annoying as her and know how to clean that would be lovely. Well I am out for now. One PS the pic is of me and my best friend her name is Megan but I call her Wifey
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