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    lily  34, Female, Illinois, USA - 3 entries
Nov 2006
9:16 AM EDT

If some one would like to tell me how to do all the cool thing son this web site then rite to me.And how we get frinds or add frinds.
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    Lynsie  49, Male, Illinois, USA - 4 entries
Nov 2006
4:29 AM EDT

Havn't beem on. Nobody reads mine anyways right? Well have a wonderful day. Lynsie..:D
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    manan  35, Male, New York, USA - First entry!
Nov 2006
1:39 PM N

twertwerteeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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    adj  74, Male, New York, USA - 14 entries
Nov 2006
1:36 PM EDT

Dark and dreary posted my comment on what election day meant to me. It meant that I had an opportunity to vote for another incredibly wealthy man, and keep the tradition of only the rich in power and only the lonely are poor. But as Spencer Kimball might say, only the poor of spirit are lonely, and nobody has to be poor of spirit. Had a good workout, 3m. run, roller blading and a swim.
1 comment(s) - 11:10 AM - 11/03/2008
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    ixypix23  40, Female, Indiana, USA - 14 entries
Nov 2006
10:05 AM PDT

LOVE RULES ALL... acctually pherimones are the strongest force on the face of the earth, well at least in my opinon they are that magnetic force that drives all living matter. they are the magnet of our existance.
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    Xx1lovenitsu  34, Female, Pennsylvania, USA - 5 entries
Nov 2006
6:13 PM EDT

do you need me as much as i need you? do you love me as much as i love you? do you want me as much as i want you? do you get the butterflys when you see me? do you dream about me like i do about you? do YOU?
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    itshardbeingm3butistilldntwant2bu  32, Female, New York, USA - 3 entries
Nov 2006
4:18 PM EST

omg how do u upload ur photo i hat3 this stuff it causes me so much trouble 4 no reason
1 comment(s) - 10:43 AM - 11/06/2006
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    ladybug20  38, Female, Canada - 9 entries
Nov 2006
3:08 AM PST

busy, busy busy ... I moved to Richmond last weekend ...very stressful. But I no longer have to commute in rush hour ...THANKGOD! The further away from Chilliwack I get ...the better. But it's lonely out here ...not knowing anyone. Okay well I know a couple people, but im not out with friends every Friday and Saturday. Something im not used to. But I do feel better knowing that Jay has no clue where I live. Life is much better, but very different. Anyways im at work and I have lots to do ...apparently I have taken over Krissy's position as the everything woman so im running around like a chicken with my head cut off, lol!
1 comment(s) - 01:18 PM - 11/04/2006
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    lhe87  55, Female, Michigan, USA - 2 entries
Nov 2006
1:02 PM CST

Today was aweful, woke up late got in the car and was on my way to my new job of 5 days and my alarm started going off as I was getting on the freeway but my keychain clicker would not work! I had to rush home to get my husbands. THEN I was on my way (30 miles) and got a flat tire. I had to call work tell them I would be late wait an hour for Roadside. Got to work and my husband called and said that I lost my other jobs check and cursed my from "Sunday to Monday" and also left me 3 nasty messages about it and what an idiot I am. So I called him on break and he said Oh by the way, I found the check I had it the whole time! I got an every unsincere apology! This relationship is getting harder and harder to deal with. What about me? -
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    scarsofpassion  35, Female, Pennsylvania, USA - 4 entries
Nov 2006
10:44 AM EDT

Well today went really good for some reason. I supposed to go with Joe to Delware. I can't wait! Were gonna leave tonight. I love to travel. I fluncked my health test today but got 100 on my voaculary test in english. Other than that nothing has happened. Everyone is talking about the semi. Me and Amanda are like the only ones not going. I think its a waste of money because why should i pay to go to a semi and than the prom... when they're practually the same kind of dance.I'm going to have (hopefully) a good weekend! YAY l8r.
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