Supersmexy's Journal

Feb 2007
5:26 PM EDT

Ok to who ever reads this entry im curently in a fight with my father because i wanted to quit somthing that i didnt think i was very good at and he called me a quitter and in fact he screamed it to me.Now he states that he said "dont be a" before quitter and i just didnt here it this makes me mad and we are curently not speaking what should i do??Does anybody have an idea so i can try and fix my situation?

Supersmexy's Profile

  • Username: Supersmexy
  • Gender / Age: Female, 34
  • Location: USA - New York
    SUPERSMEXY's Interests:

    About Me: What the hell can i say?LOL

    Interests: Music i cant get enough of it!

    Favorite Music: Everything and Anything!

    Favorite Movies: Funny ones i dont like really really gory scary movies but i like like 'When A Stranger Calls' and Bruce Allmighty'

    Favorite Television: Watch over me and wicked wicked games

    Favorite Books: Dont read alot but i liked the book Perfect and right now im reading an autobiography about a visualy impared iditarod racer