numba1momma's Journal

Nov 2008
1:13 PM EDT

"what you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say" ralph waldo emerson

I think that Ralph Waldo Emerson was trying to make a point with this line. People will talk their talk but can they really walk the walk?� Its kinda like the election, they are saying what all they will do, they have really good ideas but will they actually do as they can say something so geniune but when u do something sweet it means more..

I also relate this quote with another saying that a lot of people use today. Have u ever heard someone say "It is easier said than done"?� It is so much easier to say something than actually do it. So Ralph had a big point with his saying.

numba1momma's Profile

  • Username: numba1momma
  • Gender / Age: Female, 38
  • Location: USA - Indiana