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My Book Of Life
Mar 2010
2:01 PM EDT
So, I think I'm proud of myself. My ex boyfriend always found a way to get me back wtih his lovey dovey talks, and it always worked. But this time ever since I broke up with him I havent gotten him back. No matter how nice the things he says to me are and no matter if i dont ever get a guy like him in the future im proud of myself cuz i finally walked away. He was an amazing guy, but i want better for myself. I mean as in someone who i can see everyday and with him i rarley saw him in the 6 months we were together. I been texting him even though i know i shouldn't and I have to promise myself that Ima stop. So I make myself this promise. That starting tomorrow I wont text him. Ima have my time off and when i know im over him I will text him and talk to him about how my life is great . Right? I should do that rite?
But it's gonna be hard but i gotta send my mind to it. As long as I make myself happy I will be happy. I'm still young and right now I just wana be single. I wana be able to love myself before I can love someone else with all I got. And well I just realized all this rite now at this exact moment.
It's going to be a challenge but I been thru worst and Im planning to set my mind to it. (: Im doing the right thing right? :)
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Female, 30
USA - California
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